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ThinkontrolSY committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent 929a865 commit 94be7a2
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 31 deletions.
63 changes: 32 additions & 31 deletions helper.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,8 +75,8 @@ func (s7 *Helper) GetDateTimeAt(Buffer []byte, Pos int) time.Time {
Hour = decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+3])
Min = decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+4])
Sec = decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+5])
MSec = (decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+6]) * 10) + (decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+7]) / 10)
return time.Date(Year, time.Month(Month), Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec, time.UTC)
MSec = decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+6])*10 + decodeBcd(Buffer[Pos+7]>>4)
return time.Date(Year, time.Month(Month), Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec*1000000, time.UTC)

//Binary-coded decimal
Expand All @@ -102,95 +101,97 @@ func (s7 *Helper) SetDateTimeAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) {
msh := int(int64(value.UnixNano()/1000000) / 10)
// msl = Last digit of miliseconds
msl := int(int64(value.UnixNano()/1000000) % 10)
if y > 1999 {
if y >= 2000 {
y -= 2000
} else {
y -= 1900
buffer[pos] = encodeBcd(y)
buffer[pos+1] = encodeBcd(m)
buffer[pos+2] = encodeBcd(d)
buffer[pos+3] = encodeBcd(h)
buffer[pos+4] = encodeBcd(mi)
buffer[pos+5] = encodeBcd(s)
buffer[pos+6] = encodeBcd(msh)
buffer[pos+7] = encodeBcd(msl*10 + dow)
buffer[pos+6] = encodeBcd(value.Nanosecond() / 1000000 / 10)
buffer[pos+7] = (encodeBcd(value.Nanosecond()/1000000%10) << 4) | encodeBcd(int(value.Weekday()))

//GetDateAt DATE (S7 DATE)
func (s7 *Helper) GetDateAt(buffer []byte, pos int) time.Time {
initDate := time.Date(1900, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
initDate := time.Date(1990, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
var year int16
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos, &year)
return initDate.AddDate(0, 0, int(year))

//SetDateAt DATE (S7 DATE)
func (s7 *Helper) SetDateAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) {
initDate := time.Date(1900, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, int16(value.YearDay()-initDate.YearDay()))
initDate := time.Date(1990, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
hours := value.Sub(initDate).Hours()
days := int16(hours / 24)
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, days)

func (s7 *Helper) GetTODAt(buffer []byte, pos int) time.Time {
var nano int32
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos, &nano)
return time.Date(0001, 1, 1, 0, 0, int(nano/1000), 0, time.UTC)
var ms int32
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, 0, &ms)
return time.Date(1970, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, int(ms)*1000000, time.UTC)

func (s7 *Helper) SetTODAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) {
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, int32(value.Nanosecond()/1000000))
v := int32((value.Hour()*3600 + value.Minute()*60 + value.Second()) * 1000)
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, v)

func (s7 *Helper) GetLTODAt(Buffer []byte, Pos int) time.Time {
//S71500 Tick = 1 ns
var nano int64
s7.GetValueAt(Buffer, Pos, &nano)
return time.Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(nano), time.UTC)
return time.Date(1970, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, int(nano), time.UTC)

func (s7 *Helper) SetLTODAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) {
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, int64(value.Nanosecond()))
v := int64((value.Hour()*3600 + value.Minute()*60 + value.Second()) * 1000000000)
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, v)

//GetLDTAt LDT (S7 1500 Long Date and Time)
func (s7 *Helper) GetLDTAt(buffer []byte, pos int) time.Time {
var nano int64
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos, &nano)
return time.Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(nano+bias), time.UTC)
return time.Date(1970, time.Month(1), 1, 0, 0, 0, int(nano), time.UTC)

//SetLDTAt LDT (S7 1500 Long Date and Time)
func (s7 *Helper) SetLDTAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) {
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, int64(value.Nanosecond())-bias)
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, value.UnixNano())

//GetDTLAt DTL (S71200/1500 Date and Time)
func (s7 *Helper) GetDTLAt(buffer []byte, pos int) time.Time {
Year := int(buffer[pos])*256 + int(buffer[pos+1])
Month := int(buffer[pos+2])
Day := int(buffer[pos+3])
Hour := int(buffer[pos+5])
Min := int(buffer[pos+6])
Sec := int(buffer[pos+7])
var nsec int
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos, &nsec)
return time.Date(Year, time.Month(Month), Day, Hour, Min, Sec, nsec, time.UTC)
var year uint16
var nanos int32
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos+0, &year)
s7.GetValueAt(buffer, pos+8, &nanos)
return time.Date(int(year), time.Month(int(buffer[pos+2])), int(buffer[pos+3]), int(buffer[pos+5]), int(buffer[pos+6]), int(buffer[pos+7]), int(nanos), time.UTC)

//SetDTLAt DTL (S71200/1500 Date and Time)
func (s7 *Helper) SetDTLAt(buffer []byte, pos int, value time.Time) []byte {
Year := []byte(strconv.Itoa(value.Year()))
buffer[pos] = Year[1]
buffer[pos+1] = Year[0]
year := uint16(value.Year())
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos, year)
buffer[pos+2] = byte(value.Month())
buffer[pos+3] = byte(value.Day())
buffer[pos+4] = byte(int(value.Weekday()) + 1)
buffer[pos+4] = byte(value.Weekday())
buffer[pos+5] = byte(value.Hour())
buffer[pos+6] = byte(value.Minute())
buffer[pos+7] = byte(value.Second())
buffer[pos+7] = byte(value.Nanosecond())
nanos := int32(value.Nanosecond())
s7.SetValueAt(buffer, pos+8, nanos)
return buffer

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