This role installs microk8s kubernetes distribution. The following services are enabled by default:
- dns
- storage
- ingress
- host-access
You can select the enabled services by listing then in microk8s_services variable.
A few other tools are also installed:
- k9s
- helm
- vclusters
Shell completion and alias are for zsh, no bash config is affected
Tne variables for this role are:
channe: latest # Which snap channel to use when installing microk8s, defaults to latest
admin_user: # User account to use
microk8s_services: # Default list of services to enable
- dns
- storage
- ingress
- host-access
- pip
Register the role in requirements.yml:
- src: capitanh.microk8s_ansible_role
name: microk8s
Include it in your playbooks:
- hosts: servers
- microk8s