This role installs Oracle Express Edition 11g Release 2 (version 11.2.0-1.0.x86_64)
Centos 8 or RedHat 8 - Only python3 supported. You have to manually download oracle xe rpm installer from here:
Save the file in a local dir and set a variable pointing to that dir (see #Role Variables)
This role defines the following default variables
- download_dir: /tmp # Directory to host downloaded archive
- oracle_http_port: 8080 # Oracle Web Interface http port
- oracle_listener_port: 1521 # Oracle listener port
- oraclexe_service_name: oracle-xe # OS service name
And the following ones need to be defined elsewhere in the playbook that uses the role:
- oracle_env: # Environemts vbles needed to perform sqlplus operations
ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/lib
- oracle_admin_user: system # Admin user name
- oracle_password: ****** # Admin, sys and system users passwords (maybe encripted inside a vault)
To create and modify database objects, define them in variable files as this:
- name: TABLESPACENAME # Table space logical name
datafile: tablespace-filename.dbf # Table space physical file name
size: xM # (M for Mb, G for Gb and so on)
- name: PROFLENAME # Profile name
attribute_name: # List of attributes to be different from the defaults
- password_life_time
- password_reuse_time
- password_reuse_max
attribute_value: # Values of attributes in the same order
- unlimited
- unlimited
- unlimited
- name: ROLENAME # Role name
grants: # List of grants for the role
- create table
- create materialized view
- create view
- create synonym
- create session
- create public synonym
- create trigger
- drop public synonym
- create sequence
- create procedure
- name: USERNAME # User account name
password: *********** # Account password (maybe encripted inside a vault)
profile: PROFILENAME # One of existing profiles (can be one of the previously defined above)
default_tablespace: TABLESPACENAME # One of existing tablespace (can be one of the previously defined above) or don't specify this variable to use default one
roles: # List of existing roles to be applied to user (can be one of the previously defined above).
- role1
- role2
- role: ROLENAME # List of existing roles to be granted privileges (can be one of the previously defined above). Can also be an username
privs: # System privs list to be granted to this role
- select
- insert
- update
- delete
objs: # Object privileges to be granted to this role (can be one of the previously defined above). Can also be an username.
- USER1.%
Requires cxOracle python module in target hosts. It should be possible to have it installed in control machine, but it has not been tested. To install cxOracle just run:
pip install cx_Oracle
Register the role in requirements.yml:
- src: capitanh.oraclexe-ansible-role
name: oraclexe
Install the role in control machine:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Include it in your playbooks:
- hosts: all
- capitanh.oraclexe-ansible-role
environment: "{{oracle_env}}"
- name: Create oracle tablespaces
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
tablespace: "{{}}"
datafile: "{{item.datafile}}"
size: "{{item.size}}"
state: present
with_items: "{{oracle_tablespaces}}"
- name: Create oracle profiles
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
state: present
name: "{{}}"
attribute_name: "{{item.attribute_name}}"
attribute_value: "{{item.attribute_value}}"
with_items: "{{oracle_profiles}}"
- name: Create oracle roles
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
state: present
role: "{{}}"
with_items: "{{oracle_roles}}"
- name: Assign grants to oracle roles
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
state: present
role: "{{}}"
grants: "{{item.grants}}"
with_items: "{{oracle_roles}}"
- name: Create oracle users
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
schema: "{{}}"
schema_password: "{{item.password}}"
default_tablespace: "{{item.default_tablespace}}"
profile: "{{item.profile}}"
grants: "{{item.roles}}"
state: present
with_items: "{{oracle_users}}"
- name: Asign privs to roles
service_name: "{{oracle_service_name}}"
user: "{{oracle_admin_user}}"
password: "{{oracle_password}}"
state: present
roles: "{{item.role}}"
privs: "{{item.privs}}"
objs: "{{item.objs}}"
with_items: "{{oracle_privs}}"
This role makes intensive use of @oravirt excellent set of ansible modules for oracle: