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FM TOWNS / Marty Emulator "Tsugaru"

FM TOWNS / Marty エミュレータ 「津軽」

by CaptainYS

[email protected]


It is an emulator of legendary Fujitsu FM TOWNS computer including Marty. The goal is to emulate model II MX, which was the last computer I pledged allegiance. Also I am trying to find and document undocumented features of FM TOWNS system as much as possible while writing the emulator.

Have been tested on Windows 10 and macOS. I think it runs on Linux, but I have a report that audio doesn't work on the natively-running Linux. I can hear audio on my developing environment on Virtual Box. I haven't been able to confirm the report on my side yet.

伝説の名機富士通FM TOWNS/Martyのエミュレータです。目標はモデルII MXを再現することです。FM TOWNS II MXは僕が最後に忠誠を誓った機種でした。また、開発と並行してFM TOWNSのシステムで未公開の機能を見つけて記録に残すことも目標にしています。

とりあえず、Windows 10とmacOSXで動きます。Linuxも対応したと思うんですが、Virtual Box上の開発環境だと普通に音が鳴るのですが、直接起動しているLinuxで音が出ないという報告があるのですが、まだ確認できてません。


The ROM set is compatible with another FM TOWNS emulator UNZ. You can get the best experience if you own an actual FM TOWNS hardware and extract ROM image from your TOWNS. However, if you do not own your FM TOWNS hardware, you can use the following free version of the ROM.

ROMイメージはFM TOWNSエミュレータUNZと互換性があります。実機を所有している方は、実機から抜き出したROMイメージを使うのが最も高い再現性を出すことができますが、実機を所有していない場合は、以下のURLからフリーの互換ROMをダウンロードして使うことができます。


The emulation is getting better. Thanks to the great help from the users around the world, with conservative estimate Tsugaru can run more than 97% of the FM TOWNS commercial application titles. Emulation state is in the Wiki ( Wiki is set up by WINDY. (Thanks!) Overall, I think it is safe to say more than 97% of FM TOWNS apps works.

80486 emulation is, getting faster, but there is a room for improvement. Will be improved down the road.

Not-all instructions of Intel 80486 processor have been implemented yet. Towns OS didn't use task registers. I have no plan on adding support for those registers. Since the emulator works as a debugger, debug registers won't be supported, either.

If you compile in High-Fidelity Mode (cmake from srchf instead of src), it is able to start Windows 3.1, but only limited functionalities are supported.

エミュレーションはかなりよくなってきて、世界中のユーザの皆さまのご協力により、少なく見積もってFM TOWNS用に発売されたソフトの97%以上が動作可能と推定しています。また、ユーザによる動作確認もWikiに上がってきています。( WikiはWINDYさんがセットアップしてくださいました。ありがとうございます。現状で、少なく見積もって97%以上のFM TOWNSアプリケーションを実行できると言えるようです。


80486のすべてのインストラクションをエミュレートできてません。なお、Towns OSはタスク機能は使ってなかったと思われるので多分サポートしません。また、エミュレータがデバッガとして機能するのでデバッグ機能もサポートしない予定です。

High-Fidelity Modeでコンパイルすると(srcでなくsrchfにcmakeをかける)、Windows 3.1が起動できるようになりましたが、まだかなり機能限定です。

Source Code

Open Source with 3-clause BSD License.

Build Instruction

For Windows Visual C++:

git clone
cd .\TOWNSEMU\gui\src
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel

For macOS:

git clone
cd TOWNSEMU/gui/src
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src
cmake --build . --config Release
cp main_cui/ main_gui/

Starting the GUI

In Windows and Linux, just start Tsugaru_GUI. It internally uses Tsugaru_CUI, therefore two programs must be in the same directory.

In macOS, start the app bundle Tsugaru_GUI.



Starting the Command-Line Program

It starts from terminal/command prompt. The basic options are:


CD-image can be .ISO or .CUE. Floppy-disk image can be raw-binary or .D77 file. You can look into scripts sub-directories for samples of other options.

You can see the help by typing:

main_cui -HELP

I add some command samples below. Please see also





main_cui -HELP


Emulating Marty

To emulate Marty, you need to own ROM images extracted from a Marty.

In addition to specify the ROM location in the command parameter in CUI or text dialog box in GUI, you also need to select the machine type. From CUI, add a parameter -TOWNSTYPE MARTY. Or from GUI, select MARTY as Towns Type.

If you do not specify the machine type, even with the Marty ROM, the virtual machine will start just like a full-spec FM TOWNS.


MartyのROMイメージの場所をコマンドパラメータ、あるいはGUIのダイアログで指定する他に、マシンタイプをMartyに設定する必要があります。コマンドから指定する場合は -TOWNSTYPE MARTY オプションを追加してください。GUIから指定する場合は、リストからMARTYを選んでください。

マシンタイプを指定しない場合、MartyのROMを使っても、フルスペックのFM TOWNSのように起動してしまいます。

Command-Line Examples

.\Tsugaru_CUI.exe -HELP

Print help.



If FM TOWNS ROM image files are stored in E:/ROM_MX directory, boot from disc image E:/ISOImage/AfterburnerII/AFTER_BURNER.CUE. Game pad 0 is emulated by keyboard (A,S,Z,X,↑↓←→), and Window size is scaled up to 160%.

If you have a physical game pad, you can use PHYS0, PHYS1, PHYS2, or PHYS3 in place for KEY. Or, in case your game pad reports direction button as the analog input, use ANA0,ANA1, ANA2 or ANA3.

FM TOWNSのROMイメージがE:/ROM_MXのとき、ディスクイメージE:/ISOImage/AFTER_BURNER.CUEから起動します。ジョイパッド0はキーボードエミュレーション (A,S,Z,X,↑↓←→)、ウィンドウは160%にスケールアップされます。

USBやBluetooth接続のゲームパッドがある場合は、KEYの代わりにPHYS0, PHYS1, PHYS2, または PHYS3を指定すると使えます。また、十字ボタンをハットスイッチではなくアナログレバーとして扱うゲームパッドの場合は、ANA0,ANA1,ANA2,ANA3を指定することで利用できます。


IF FM TOWNS ROM image files are in E:/ROM_MX directory, boot from disc image E:/ISOImage/AUGUSTA.CUE and floppy-disk image E:/ISOImage/AUGUSTAFD.bin in drive A. Window is scaled up to 160%.

FM TOWNSのROMイメージがE:/ROM_MXのとき、CDイメージE:/ISOImage/AUGUSTA.CUEとドライブAのフロッピーディスクイメージE:/ISOImage/AUGUSTAFD.binから起動します。ウィンドウは160%にスケールアップされます。

./Tsugaru_CUI E:/ROM_MX -CMOS ./CMOS.BIN -CD E:/ISOImage/TownsOSV2.1L20.cue

If FM TOWNS ROM image files are stored in E:/ROM_MX, and CMOS file (BIOS Settings in the DOS terminology) is ./CMOS.BIN, boot from disc image E:/ISOImage/TownsOSV2.1L20.cue If ./CMOS.BIN does not exist, it is created when the program is closed by Q (Quit) command. If the program is forced to close by window-close button, the file won't be created.

FM TOWNSのROMイメージがE:/ROM_MXで、CMOSファイル(DOSで言うところのBIOS設定)が./CMOS.BINのとき、ディスクイメージE:/ISOIMage/TownsOSV2.1L20.cueからシステムを起動します。./CMOS.BINが存在しない場合、コンソールコマンドのQ (Quit) コマンドで終了したとき、新たにCMOS.BINを作成します。ウィンドウを閉じて強制終了した場合はファイルはできません。

Mouse Integration

FM TOWNS uses a MSX mouse, which sends a displacement infornation in X- and Y-directions to the PC. Therefore, mouse does not know where the cursor is. To match the mouse cursor location in the host OS and guest VM, the emulator needs to know where the guest VM is thinking the mouse cursor is currently.

I did reverse engineering and found the mouse-cursor locations for TBIOSes that come with V1.1 L10/L20/L30, V2.1 L10B/L20/L31. Will add other versions of TownsOS and VINGBIOS hopefully. Most likely I will forget updating version numbers here, but probably I'll add comments in the commit log.

FM TOWNSはMSXマウスを使用します。MSXマウスはマウスの移動量のXYをPCに送信します。だから、マウスカーソルがPC上のどこにあるのか、マウスは知りません。ホストPCとゲストVMでマウス位置を一致させるためには、エミュレータが、VMが今マウスがどこにあると思っているか検出しなくてはなりません。

このエミュレータでは、Towns OS V1.1 L10/L20/L30, V2.1 L10B/L20/L31付属のTBIOSについて解析して、対応しました。他のバージョンやVINGBIOSにも順に対応しますが、多分ここのREADMEには書くのを忘れるでしょう。が、GITのコミットコメントには多分書くと思うのでそっちを見てください。

VM<->Host File Transfer

Direct File Sharing - TGDRV

You can share a directory of the host with the VM using a utility called TGDRV.COM

When you start Tsugaru CUI, specify -SHAREDDIR <dir> option to specify a host directory to be shared with the VM. When you start Tsugaru GUI, specify shared directories in "TGDRV" tab. You can specify up to 8 directories in CUI, 4 directories in GUI.

In the VM, insert the TsugaruUtil.D77, and run TGDRV.COM. The sheard directory will appear as a virtual disk drive in the VM. If you use a Towns OS installed on the hard-disk image, it would be convenient to copy TGDRV.COM to the virtual hard disk.

Kanji and Katakana files also cannot be accessed. In macOS and Linux environment, since MS-DOS capitalizes all the files, you cannot access filles with small-case letters.


津軽CUIを起動するとき、-SHAREDDIR <dir>オプションを追加して、共有するディレクトリを指定してください。津軽GUIを使う場合は、"TGDRV"タブで共有ディレクトリを指定してください。CUIでは最大8箇所、GUIでは最大4か所のディレクトリを指定できます。

津軽VM上ではディスクイメージ TsugaruUtil.D77 をセットして、TGDRV.COMを実行すると、共有ディレクトリがVM上の仮想ドライブとしてアクセスできるようになります。ハードディスクイメージを利用している場合は、ハードディスクイメージにTGDRV.COMをコピーしておくと便利と思います。



To transfer a file from the host to the VM, follow the following steps:

  1. In Tsugaru CUI, type XMODEMTOVM filename (filename is the file that you want to send to the VM).
  2. Start a terminal program in the VM and start XMODEM transfer. I have confirmed with a popular free text editor called WINK2, which has a terminal mode.

To transfer a file from the VM to the host, follow the following steps:

  1. Start a terminal program in the VM and start XMODEM transfer.
  2. In Tsugaru CUI, type XMODEMFROMVM filename.


  1. 津軽CUIモードで、XMODEMTOVM filename (filenameは転送するファイル名)とコマンドを入力。
  2. VM上でターミナルソフト (WINK2の通信モードなど) を起動してXMODEMのファイル転送を開始する。


  1. VM上でターミナルソフトを起動してXMODEMのファイル転送を開始する。
  2. 津軽CUIモードで、XMODEMFROMVM filenameとコマンドを入力。

Using Tsugaru File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

XMODEM works, but it sends 1 byte at a time, and slow. You can transfer a file much faster using TFTP by the following steps. You need to use Tsugaru CUI. You need to transfer FTCLIENT.EXP to the VM. You can do it once with XMODEM or use a conventional disk-image tools such as EDITDISK.

  1. Type command VM2HOST vmfile hostfile or HOST2VM hostfile vmfile. These commands schedule file transfer. If you want to transfer multiple files, type commands multiple times.
  2. In VM, start FTCLIENT.EXP (like run386 -nocrt FTCLIENT.EXP in the command mode)

Then the files will be transferred. FTCLIENT.EXP can be found in townsapp/exp subdirectory.


  1. コマンド VM2HOST vmfile hostfileまたはHOST2VM hostfile vmfileをタイプする。これらのコマンドはファイル転送を予約する。複数ファイルを転送したい場合は、コマンドを複数回タイプする。
  2. VM上でFTCLIENT.EXPを実行する。(コマンドモードに降りて run386 -nocrt FTCLIENT.EXPとタイプ)


Flight Joystick to Mouse Translation

Wing Commander 1 and Strike Commander (not Strike Commander Plus) for FM TOWNS did not support analog joystick. The player had choice between fly by mouse or fly by keyboard, which was a major frustration. Especially, Wing Commander for FM TOWNS comes with Orchestra BGM by CDDA. It was the BEST Wing Commander port of all. Only thing missing was analog joystick. Tsugaru offers a redemption. With the option

-FLIGHTMOUSE joystickId centerX centerY scaleX scaleY zeroZoneInPercent

Tsugaru translates flight joystick input to mouse input. It is also exposed in GUI. It makes Wing Commander and Strike Commander so much more easy to fly. joystickID is you know what it is. centerX and centerY specifies screen coordinate (in 640x480 scale) where mouse cursor should be when the joystick is neutral. scaleX and scaleY specifies how large a deflection in screen scale the mouse cursor should travel when the stick is moved all the way. Actually majority of the analog joysticks doesn't deflect to 1.0. Usually stops at 0.9 or so. So, specifying larger scaleX and scaleY is recommended, or your fighter will maneuver real slow. zeroZoneInPercent specifies zero zone (or dead zone) of the joyostick.

To use it with Wing Commander or Strike Commander, you also need to enable application-specific augumentation for the program.

FM TOWNS用Wing Commander 1、Strike Commanderはアナログジョイスティックをサポートしませんでした。プレイヤーはマウスかキーボードかどちらかで操縦しなくてはなりませんでした。とくにWing Commander 1はFM TOWNS版はCDDAによるオーケストラのBGMがついていて、他のどの移植版よりもこの一点で最高の移植と思うのですが、アナログスティック非対応だけが心残りでした。津軽はこの当時の恨みを晴らす機能を提供します。まさに江戸の恨みを青森で。コマンドオプション(GUIからも指定可)で、

-FLIGHTMOUSE joystickId centerX centerY scaleX scaleY zeroZoneInPercent


なお、Wing CommanderまたはStrike Commanderで使用するには、このオプションに加えてApplication Specific Augumentationを有効にする必要があります。

Unit Tests

You need bootable floppy disk images/CD-ROM images to run unit tests. My guess is it is ok to redistribute Towns OS bootable floppy disk images, but to be safe I am keeping them to myself.

If you have an ISO image (track 0 image) of Towns OS V1.1 L10 or Towns OS V2.1 L31, you can run two tests by:

  1. Configure the top-level CMakeLists.txt so that DISC_IMAGE_DIR points to the directory where you store your ISO images.
  2. CMake and build everything.
  3. Run either one of the following comman in the build directory.
    ctest -R MX_V21L31_GUI
    ctest -R MX_V11L10_GUI

The tests are timing-sensitive, or the CPU needs to be reasonably fast. If not, mouse-click may take place before wigets are ready, in which case, the test may not run all the way.

ユニットテストを実行するには、起動可能なフロッピーディスクイメージまたはCD-ROMイメージが必要です。Towns OSでフォーマットした起動可能ディスクイメージは多分再配布しても良いと思いますが(多分富士通としては小さなソフトハウスなどがフロッピー版のソフトを販売するために使うことを想定していたのではないかと思うので)、一応、ディスクイメージは外に出してません。

が、Towns OS V1.1 L10またはV2.1 L31のISOイメージ(トラック0のイメージ)があれば、GUIのテストだけ実行できます。

  1. 最上位のCMakeLists.txtを修正して、DISC_IMAGE_DIRがISOイメージの場所を指すようにする。
  2. CMakeを再度実行してからBuild。
  3. 次のコマンドを実行。
    ctest -R MX_V21L31_GUI
    ctest -R MX_V11L10_GUI



Please see commit comments after this!


  • Can start Windows 3.1 if compiled in the High-Fidelity Mode!


  • Virtual Machine is pretty stable, I think.
  • Added tight-integration mode in the GUI module.


  • I lost track of what I added or improved. But, I can say I clear-confirmed Wing Commander 1 and Strike Commander :-)


  • YM2612 emulator for Tsugaru (Tsugaru-Ben) is becoming much better than earlier version. Super DAISENRYAKU intro music and Emerald Dragon BGM sound very similar to actual YM2612.
  • I lost track of what changes I made since 6/15. Please see git commit log!


  • Added separate timer for audio. Super DAISENRYAKU BGM plays better. Still need more work in YM2612 emulation.
  • Changed the internal clock frequency of YM2612 from 600KHz to 690KHz. FM Towns Technical Databook [2] tells it is 600KHz, but somehow 690KHz is giving me more accurate timing.
  • Fixed CDC. Was reporting number of tracks as binary. It should be in BCD. TOWNS ILLUSION runs again. This time it needs to start from BIN/CUE. It stopps in the middle if you start from ISO.
  • Speed up in CPU emulation.


  • Better CDDA emulation, preliminary support for electric volume registers, fixed BT MEM,R instruction. Confirmed RAYXANBER can start game play!


  • Improvement in YM2612 emulation. Still different, but getting similar. (Struggling to make sense of envelope calculation.)
  • Fixed hard-disk read/write. Now can install TownsOS in a hard-disk image, and boot from it.


  • Mouse Integration for Wing Commander. Need -APP WINGCOMMANDER1 option.
  • Fixed CDC. Was pushing status code 06 00 00 00 twice after MODE1 Read.
  • Added disk-access indicators. Changed FDC timing.


  • Tested TownsOS boot and mouse integration with Freeware Collection 1-3, Free Software Collection 4-11. Made corrections for Free Software Collection 4 Disc B and Free Software Collection 6.
  • Free Software Collection 4 Disc B uses Towns OS V2.1L10 (L10 with no mark). DOS Extender that comes with Towns OS V2.1L10 blocks unless the CPU type identified by I/O port 0030H is 80386DX or 80386SX. For this problem, I have added -PRETEND386DX option.


  • Sprite emulation should be pretty good.
  • Game pad can be emulated by keyboard (-GAMEPORT0 option. Use arrow keys and Z,X,A,S)
  • Afterburner II (SEGA, ported by CRI) is playable! Sample boot script is


  • Preliminary support for SCSI Hard disks. (Create a big binary filled with zeros and use -HD0 option.)


  • CPU core speed up. Still not good enough for 486DX 66MHz.
  • Support 3-mode floppy disk read/write.
  • Very preliminary YM2612 support.
  • Added initial CMOS.


  • Started CPU instruction tests. Already captured and fixed numerous bugs in CPU cores.
  • Fixed sprite.
  • Towns ILLUSION works all the way without corrupted image!!!!


  • At least the program doesn't crash or freeze when sprite is used.
  • Towns ILLUSION (Legendary DEMO that comes with Towns OS V1.1 L10) runs all the way, although the images are still corrupted.


  • Primitive support for RF5C68 PCM Sound Generator Playback.
  • Roughly 25% speed up.

Somewhere in between

  • Supported CDDA from BIN/CUE
  • Added a unit test for Towns OS GUI V1.1 L30


  • Added unit tests for Towns OS GUI V1.1 L10 and V2.1 L31.


  • Make it public.


  • Major progress! My Towns can boot from ISO image of Towns OS V2.1 L20 and can move mouse cursor with keys.


  • Major progress! My Towns can read from ISO image!


  • Succeeed in booting into Towns OS V2.1 L30 command mode, and then running a test program compiled by High-C!


  • First line of code!


  • Interpretation of I/O 480H

[2] pp. 91 tells that:

I/O 0480H
Bit 1: Select F8000H to FFFFFH mapping RAM or System-ROM (0:SysROM  1:RAM)
Bit 0: RAM or CMOS (0:RAM  1:CMOS)

It doesn't tell where in the memory space Bit 0 is controlling. From the memory map, it looks to be D0000 to DFFFF. However, the boot ROM does not clear Bit 0 before memory test, which causes CMOS destruction upon restarting by REIPL.COM.

Only interpretation I can think of is:

Bit 1   Bit 0    F0000-FFFFF   D0000-DFFFF
  0       0       SysROM        RAM
  0       1       SysROM        CMOS
  1       0       RAM           RAM
  1       1       RAM           RAM

Eventually I'm going to write a test program and see the behavior on my actual FM Towns.


[1] Intel i486TM Microprocessor Programmer's Reference Manual, Intel, 1990

[2] Noriaki Chiba, FM TOWNS Technical Databook, 3rd Edition, ASCII, 1994

[3] towns_cd.h, Linux for FM TOWNS source code.

[4] X86 Opcode and Instruction Reference Home, (As of February 9 2020)

[5] Intel 80386 Programmre's Reference Manual, Intel, 1986



[8] SEGA Genesis Software Manual

[9] (As of May 3 2020)

[10] List of Floppy Disk Formats,, (As of May 23 2020)

[11] YM2608 OPNA Application Manual

[12] Source code of Artane's FM Towns emulator project