Telescan is a Telegram Bot that allows you to use your Airscan compatible scanner from a conversation on Telegram. It will save your scans to a directory of your choosing, and optionally send them to you through Telegram.
There are projects out there designed for document indexing and archiving. One such project is Paperless-ngx it is a great project and I use it myself. The way it's supposed to be used is you dump your scans into an import directory, and then Paperless-ngx will tag and index them for you. I wanted a way to remove the use of a computer from the process. Now, my process is to scan a document using Telescan, and it will dump it into my Paperless-ngx import directory. Paperless-ngx will then do its thing and I can search for the document later.
- Create a Telegram Bot using the BotFather.
- Make sure your Telegram account has a username set.
- Use the example Docker Compose file below to get started.
- Start a chat with your new Telegram bot.
version: '3.8'
build: .
# Host networking is essential since we need to be able to receive Bonjour
# broadcasts from the scanner. If you do not use host networking, you will
# need to set up a Bonjour reflector on your network.
network_mode: "host"
container_name: telescan
# Get your API key from the BotFather on Telegram.
TELEGRAM_API_KEY: your-api-key
# Get your Telegram username from your Telegram profile. You may add more
# than one username, separated by commas, if you wish to allow multiple
# users to use your scanner.
AUTHORIZED_USERS: your-telegram-username,another-telegram-username,etc
# Set to false to deny yourself the ability to ever receive scans through
# Telegram. True if you want to be asked on each scan whether you want to
# receive it or not. Note that Telegram is NOT a secure messaging platform
# and you should not use it to send sensitive documents, if you do not
# trust Telegram.
# Scanner name to insist on using. If you do not specify this variable,
# the first scanner found will be used. There is usually no need to set
# this variable, unless you have multiple scanners and you want to use a
# specific one.
# SCANNER_OVERRIDE: your-scanner
- "/tmp:/tmp"
- "/final:/final"
TELEGRAM_API_KEY="<some-key>" \
AUTHORIZED_USERS="some-user" \
TMP_DIR="/tmp" \
FINAL_DIR="/somewhere" \
go run main.go