WGU+ is currently available on the Chrome Webstore via the following link:
This chrome extension gives you a "Quick Links" option on the right your current course's pages. This appears directly above the Course Mentor/Announcements/etc options. Once your course has been added to the extension, you will see quick links to uCertify, Lynda, SimLab, and other relevent study material.
There are no known issues at this time.
If you find any, please let us know: Issue Tracker
If your class is not already added, or if you would like to add additional resources, please clone this repository, make your changes, and request a comit. If you are unfamiliar with Git, feel free to open an Issue with information about the resource you would like to add.
Resources are added to a <CLASS_ID>.txt file in the links folder.
<CLASS_ID> can be pulled from the class's URL on my.wgu.edu. For example:
8080002: https://my.wgu.edu/courses/course/8080002/course-material
7040001: https://my.wgu.edu/courses/course/7040001/course-material
Within this file, you will find each resource on its own line in the following format:
LINK_TYPE: uCertify, Lynda, LabSim, or TestOut have icons built in. Any other <LINK_TYPE> will have a book as the icon.
LINK_NAME: This will be displayed to the right of the icon. For example: Lynda or Lynda<br/>(Mike Meyers).
LINK: The URL to the resource.
Before submitting a link, please ensure that it is the most generic form. For example, if I click on a link to open uCertify, I may be taken to https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/123456789 or https://wgu.ucertify.com/?func=load_course&course=WGU-220-902-complete&class_code=00000&chapter_no=1 both of these links are more complicated than they need to be or may not work for everyone. Instead, shorten the link to https://wgu.ucertify.com/?func=load_course&course=WGU-220-902-complete