Pure Verilog module to replay a packets from Wireshark/tcpdump pcap file over a single-byte bus
for use in network handling test benches.
Basic 1G line-speed, read-only MAC/IP/TCP stack to follow a specific TCP session at the data level. Otherwise known as a TCP Offload Engine, or ToE. Works from a wire-format EthernetII MAC, and can simulate from .pcap files using pcap
module above. Simply tune in the src/dest IP:port details and follow the gated data output.
Convertor from binary to binary coded decimal (BCD). bin2bcd_serial.v
can be sythesised to any required width and takes one cycle per input binary bit.
A scanner/parser to parse XML documents. Tracks tag nesting stack (8 deep), tag key/value/data, comments/data/tag stream. Outpus control signals synchronised with delayed datastream. Uses an internal 4-byte look-ahead for processing, which can be flushed with EOM input.
- a framed byte-wise Jenkins hash-code calculator
- a key-to-value map data structure. Implemented using a linear probe looked seeded by the key's hash. Module parameterised by k/v sizes.
Code from the Altera cookbook modified to simulate in Icarus.
Test benches can be rebuilt with make
assuming you have ivp
and iverilog
on your path.
Simulation waveforms are written to lxt2 format and are opened with gtkwave
when a bench/implementation is rebuilt.
Save files for gtkwave (gtksav/*.sav
) are included to setup zoom and signals.