DOLib is a fully featured python 3.6+ library for Digital Ocean, which provides sync and async APIs. This library supports all Digital Ocean API methods and simple in use. Enjoy!
Comming soon.
Python 3.6+
DOLib uses these awesome libraries:
pip install dolib
Sync client
from dolib import Client
client = Client(token="60c13d47f17dbed9f7293cf8c82d18fece3439a54f88e6c52c2df07f87bd8dd9")
droplets = client.droplets.all()
volume = client.volumes.get("53cf7120-9d5b-11ea-aed1-0a58ac14d008")
client.volumes.attach(volume, droplet_id=droplets[0].id)
Async client
from dolib import AsyncClient
from dolib.models import Droplet
async with Client(token="60c13d47f17dbed9f7293cf8c82d18fece3439a54f88e6c52c2df07f87bd8dd9") as client:
droplet = Droplet(name="dolib-droplet", region="fra1", size="s-1vcpu-1gb", image="ubuntu-18-04-x64")
droplet = await client.droplets.create(droplet)
To run the tests:
tox -p all
This project follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.