(Almost) Pure CSS3 Slide Out Menu (In the Facebook fashion).
Based mainly in the Miguel Mota concept (with several modifications, read below).
And other ideas / aproaches like:
And many other hints / tips by other people.
Short URL
- Lightweight (No iScroll.js)
- 3D Accelerated by OpenGL (Where available)
I think its better to have a minimun JS than use the "checkbox hack / trick", that gives some problems in Android browsers (and makes necessary to add some JS anyway...).
So I decided to change it by a traditional "toggleClass on the body element" approach, well know and very widespread tested. And that could be also achieved with a simple JS even without JQuery (to-do).
- Added JQuery 1.9.1
- Added Normalize.css
I've been testing it in iPhone 4 / 4S / iPad 2 / Android 4 and seems to work quite fine (with some ver very small issues).
In Android 2 native browser the menu opens / closes but the scroll areas are inactive, I suspect the only workaoround will be to add iScroll or another solution similar in this particular case.
- Try to find a workaround in Android2 native browser.
- Add alternative JS without JQuery