Welcome to Be My Chef RESTful API!!
ASCII dependency graph:
Entity Config
| |
| | |
3rd Party Dump DAO
| |
Service Validation
| |
When adding a new module, be careful with cyclic dependency error: Two modules must not depends on each other.
- Logging: Contains all the logging dependencies and configuration used everywhere in the project.
- Commons: Contains basic functionality that do not need any knowledge of main entity objects. Example: String or Date manipulation.
- Test: Contains test utilities for Stripe payment. Might be merged in the future with 3rd party.
- Entity: Contains all basic entity objects needed in the application. No logic there, just entities and Serializer/Deserializer classes.
- Utils: Contains reports, security, access rights and emails features.
- DAO: Access Mongo DB.
- 3rd Party: Access Amazon, Here and Stripe.
- Dump: Contains all the classes needed to create a MongoDB dump.
- Service: Contains all the logic to prepare data before storing them.
- Rest: Contains all the endpoint that the client use to retrieve data.
- Validation: Validate data using AspectJ.
- Java SDK 8 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
- MongoDB 3.0 http://www.mongodb.org
- Any IDE
###Install Clone the Git repository in working directory:
git clone https://github.com/carlphilipp/be-my-chef.git
Two files need to be duplicated and renamed:
This file contains all the properties of the application. Some are linked with your environment like:
epickur.name = BE MY CHEF
epickur.protocol = http
epickur.host = localhost
epickur.port = 8180
epickur.path = epickur
Some properties need to be updated to fit your environment.
Lombok is used in the project. Please reefer to lombok web site to make it work in your IDE.
###Maven profiles
- local: The default one that should be used in local
- aws: The Amazon Web Service profile, used to deploy documentation and archive on the production server
MongoDB must be started for integration tests.
Unit testing: ./mvnw test
Integration testing: ./mvnw integration-test
###Build ####From Maven:
Generate war with Maven:
./mvnw clean package [-DskipTests] [-Dpmd.skip=true]
The generated jar will be in their respective project target directory. The final war in epickur-rest/target
Generate documentation with Maven in local: ./mvnw clean package install site
and then ./mvnw site:stage
to aggregate all the website in one. Find the result in the parent project target/stage
Generate documentation with Maven and push it to AWS: ./mvnw site-deploy
or ./mvnw site:deploy
to just push it.
Generate ApiDoc documentation, run epickur-rest/src/main/scripts/generate-api.bat
from Windows or epickur-rest/src/main/scripts/generate-api.sh
from Linux or OSX.
To run the server in local, just start com.epickur.api.Application.java
from your ide.
You can also run it from the console: java -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -jar rest/target/epickur-version.jar
###Deploy and run on Amazon Web Services
To deploy on AWS, start by packaging the app:
./mvnw clean package -P aws
Copy file on server:
scp rest/target/epickur-version.jar user@ip:~/api
Kill current instance running:
ssh user@ip pkill java
Start new instance:
ssh user@ip 'nohup java -Dspring.profiles.active=prod -jar ~/api/epickur-version.jar &'
Connect to the server and clean the old .jar if can.