interface ViewInterface:
- an interface that all views implement.
- has one method "initialize()" which initializes the implementing view.
interface EnhancedView extends ViewInterface - a slightly more complex interface for views that are more complex than a console view.
-playPause() // plays or pauses the song.
-moveRight()/moveLeft() // moves the current beat left or right.
-jumpToBeginning()/jumpToEnd() // jumps to beginning or end of song.
interface IGUIView extends EnhancedView: - an interface that extends the ViewInterface to allow for methods specific to the GUI
class ViewFactory:
- a class that has one job of creating a view as specified by the makeView(model, type) method.
- makeView(MusicOperations model, String type):
model: the model to be applied to the view.
type: a string of the type of view to be created.
- "composite" creates a composite view.
- "gui" creates a gui view.
- "console" creates a console view.
- "midi" creates a midi view.
class CompositeView implements IGUIView: -basically it has a GUI view and a Midi view and ensures that they are synchronized.
class GUIViewFrame extends JFrame implements IGUIView: -crates a frame where which contains a NotesPanel for the notes by beat number reader and a PianoPanel at the bottom which shows the keys currently being played.
-NotesPanel (is turned into added to a JScrollPane to allow movement.)
class MidiViewImpl implements EnhancedView:
- a class that if implemented itself, plays the song from beginning to end, and if a part of a
CompositeView is synchronized to play according to guiView interaction.
class NotesPanel extend JPanel: -A JPanel that is laid out to show all the notes played at each beat.
Controller implements MusicController: -adds a keyListener to the view so the following commands are possible: -the "VK_LEFT" (left key) moves the GUIView currentBeat to the left -the "VK_RIGHT" (right key) moves the currentBeat to the right. -the "VK_HOME" (home key) moves the currentBeat to 0, the beginning of the song. -the "VK_END" (end key) moves the currentBeat to the end of the song. -the "VK_SPACE" (space bar) plays the song if it is paused and pauses it otherwise.
-adds a mouse listener that adds a note to the model at the currentBeat with note represented
by the piano key pressed.
class Beat: - Represents the Sound played at a single beat and whether it is the beginning of a note or a note sustained.
class BeatNotations:
- Represents all the Beat at a single beat number. aka all the Beat played at the same time.
Enum BeatType:
- Distinguishes a beat between the beginning of a Note or a sustained Note.
class EditDuration implements INoteEditor:
-Used to edit a Duration of a given Note.
class EditOctave implements INoteEditor:
-Used to edit the octave of a given Note.
class EditPitch implements INoteEditor:
-Used to edit the Pitch of a given Note.
Interface INoteEditor:
-An interface that has a function edit(Note), which does as expected; it edits a note.
class MainMusic:
-A class to demonstrate a basic piece being displayed on console.
class Music Model implenents MusicOperations:
-Used to implement methods from interface.
- Piece
interface MusicOperations:
-Represents the operations guaranteed by the model as follows.
-addNote(Note, int) //adds a note at given beat number.
-removeNote //removes a specified note and returns it
-editNote //which edits a note in different ways depending on the INoteEditor it was given.
-mergePiece // merges a given piece with the current one.
-addPiece // adds the given piece at the end of the current one.
-getMIDINotation //returns the song as MIDI Notation in String form
class Notations:
-Represents the notes that start at the same beat number in a piece. (a List of Note).
interface INote:
-has a few methods that can get date from implementing Notes.
class Note implements INote:
-Represents a note in the music editor with a duration.
-Sound // the octave and pitch of the note.
-Duration // the duration a note is played.
class Piece:
- Represents a song by using a HashMap<Integer, Notations> where the Integer is the beat number
and the Notations are all the Notes at that beat number.
class Sound:
- Represents a Sound. aka a note without a specified duration.