A backend server for an ESP8266 automated sprinkler system.
Returns 200 - GET
List of sprinklers. - GET
Sprinkler details. - GET
Fetch instruction for sprinkler - to be used by valve client. - POST
Create new sprinkler. - PUT
Update sprinkler. - DELETE
Delete sprinkler.
This project requires PHP 8. You will also need the xml and sqlite3 PHP extensions.
Install dependencies using composer:
$ composer install
Create the database and its schema using the symfony console:
$ ./bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ ./bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Start the server using the PHP built-in webserver:
$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
You can now hit the health endpoint to ensure it is working correctly:
$ curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/
Use the following request to add a sprinkler:
$ curl --data '{"name":"front-garden","state":"off"}' \
{"status":"success","message":"Created sprinkler 1","sprinkler":{"id":1,"name":"front-garden","state":"off"}}
Simply update the sprinkler to have the state turning_on
or turning_off
$ curl -X PUT --data '{"state":"turning_on"}' \
{"status":"success","message":"Updated sprinkler 1","sprinkler":{"id":1,"name":"front-garden","state":"turning_on"}}
Use the following endpoint to fetch the sprinkler's instruction:
$ curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/sprinkler/1/instruction
This command has the side-effect of mutating the state of the sprinkler in acknowledgement of the instruction being carried out.