CaseySoftware, LLC
- Central Texas
- http://CaseySoftware.com
- @CaseySoftware
webhooks.fyi Public
Forked from ngrok/webhooks.fyiwebhooks.fyi site
trumpisms Public
Forked from panicsteve/cloud-to-buttChrome extension that replaces occurrences of various words with Trump's preferred nicknames
focalboard Public
Forked from mattermost-community/focalboardFocalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
TypeScript Other UpdatedDec 20, 2024 -
OAuth-and-OpenID-Connect Public
This repository contains the code used along with Keith Casey's LinkedIn Learning course called "Web Security: OAuth and OpenID Connect".
wordpressenginetracker.github.io Public
Forked from tcn33/wordpressenginetracker.github.ioA single-page website to publicly track the number of sites migrating away from WP Engine
JavaScript UpdatedDec 11, 2024 -
rest-api-description Public
Forked from github/rest-api-descriptionAn OpenAPI description for GitHub's REST API
MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2024 -
KEV Public
Forked from Ostorlab/KEVOstorlab KEV: One-command to detect most remotely known exploitable vulnerabilities. Sourced from CISA KEV, Google's Tsunami, Ostorlab's Asteroid and Bug Bounty programs.
UpdatedJan 16, 2024 -
zoomapps-sample-js Public
Forked from zoom/zoomapps-sample-jsA Hello World Zoom App built with Vanilla JS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 14, 2023 -
developer-newsletters Public
Forked from jackbridger/developer-newslettersList of developer newsletters (and how to sponsor them)
1 UpdatedNov 9, 2022 -
spiderfoot Public
Forked from smicallef/spiderfootSpiderFoot, the most complete OSINT collection and reconnaissance tool.
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 31, 2020 -
osqa Public
Forked from jeffreywugz/osqaOSQA is a free, entry-level Q&A system from the makers of AnswerHub, the market-leading professional Q&A platform. Looking for Enterprise functionality? Checkout http://answerhub.com
swapi Public
Forked from phalt/swapiThe Star Wars API
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 23, 2016 -
bestbuy-php Public
This is a helper library for the Best Buy API and is available on Gitlab:
contactually-php Public
This is an unofficial library for interacting with the Contactually API and is available on Gitlab:
6 UpdatedApr 22, 2016 -
marvel-php Public
This is an unofficial helper library for the Marvel Comics API and is available on Gitlab:
clarify-tropo Public
This is a simple proof of concept to show how you can index your Tropo recordings immediately with Clarify.io
uber-project Public
This is a proof of concept where I combined the Google Calendar API with the Uber API to make sure I'm never late again. Read the blog post for more info:
getsatisfaction-php Public
DEPRECATED: This is a stil-embryonic form of a Get Satisfaction PHP helper library. This was built without the input, involvement, or approval of Get Satisfaction. And yes, pull requests are welcom…
Twilio-zendesk Public
This is a simple handler to allow Zendesk/Twilio integration
clarify-twilio Public
This is a simple proof of concept to show how you can index your Twilio recordings immediately with Clarify.io
twilio-podium Public
This is an app designed to make the comms side of a event (like a conference) flow more easily.
twilio-call-queue-howto Public
Whether you're running a call center, just a small office, or have to deal with all of the incoming calls for that event tonight, putting people on hold (aka call queuing) is an important but often…
I wanted to see where I could get creative using Twilio to extend Google Voice. This is the beginning of my experiment. You can read the blog post here: