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This is my Emacs configuration featuring:

  • home-brew use-package and key-binding macros.
  • A simple package manager cowboy.el that can install by package.el, git or url.
  • Some on-site packages in site-lisp directory.



git clone ~/.emacs.d

When Emacs starts, a lot of warning will appear saying package xxx is not installed. To install all the missing packages, type

M-x luna-install-all RET

Site-lisp packages

Text editing aid

bklink.elSimple Roam-like back-links.
iimg.elEmbed images in text files as base64 strings.
iscroll.elSmooth scrolling over images.
transform.elTeXmacs-like symbol insertion.
expreg.elMy take on expand-region.

Programming aid

color-outline.elOutline for programming modes. (Vanilla Emas can do this now)
commentary.elSync and Commentary.

Lunarymacs specific

cowboy.elHome-brew package manager.
cyberpunk-theme.elA dark custom color theme.
light-theme.elA light custom color theme
luna-local.elSession persistent variables. (Not used anymore)
luna-load-package.elHome-brew use-package.el.
luna-key.elHome-brew general.el.
theme-util.elSome utilities for defining themes.
utility.elAll sorts of utility functions.


form-feed.elFork of form-feed.el
recentf-ext.elFork of recentf-ext.el
face-attr.elSet/get face attributes from face text prop.
pause.elLight wrapper around recursive edit.


pale.elA quiet light theme.
light.elDoom light theme knock-off (unmaintained)
cyberpunk.elNeon dark them (unmaintained)

There are more, take a look in site-lisp ;-)


├── cheatsheet          cheatsheet files (M-x cheatsheet-display)
├── custom.el           custom file
├── dump.el             init file for dumping
├── early-init.el
├── init.el
├── elpa                downloaded packages
├── ranch               package downloaded by cowboy.el
├── site-lisp           local packages
├── snippets            yasnippet snippets
└── star                configuration files


├── angel.el                Basic editing ehancements
├── app.el                  Emacs applications like ERC and GNUS
├── blog.el                 Utilities for writing my blog
├── checker.el              Config for checkers (flymake, ispell)
├── completion.el           Config for completions (company, ivy)
├── deprecated              Deprecated configs
├── dir.el                  Dired configs
├── edit.el                 Editing ehancement packages
├── etc.el                  Setting variables
├── git.el                  Magit and vc config
├── key.el                  Global key-bindings
├── mode-line.el            Mode-line config
├── org-mode.el             Org-mode config
├── python.el               Python config
├── recipe.el               Cowboy package retrival recipes
├── simple-mode.el          Configs for programming modes
├── tex.el                  TeX config
├── ui.el                   UI enhancement packages
└── writing.el              Note-taking packages