klembord Public
Forked from OzymandiasTheGreat/klembordFull toolkit agnostic cross-platform clipboard access.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2024 -
veebkeeb Public
Forked from veebch/veebkeebA repository of 3x3 macro pad mappings for a variety of apps
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 5, 2023 -
AHKCommandPicker Public
Forked from deadlydog/AHKCommandPickerAn AutoHotkey (AHK) script that allows you to easily run AHK functions. Instead of having to remember what shortcut key maps to each of your AHK scripts, this displays a list of all your AHK functi…
AutoHotkey MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2023 -
rectangular Public
Forked from ITachiLab/rectangularArrange and resize Windows's windows effortlessly
Rust GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 17, 2023 -
Forked from TencentARC/GFPGANGFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
Python Other UpdatedJul 13, 2022 -
OSRS-AHKScripts Public
Forked from takelley1/OSRS-AHKScriptsColor bot scripts for OldSchool Runescape, written entirely in AutoHotkey. No client injection or reflection used.
AutoHotkey GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 25, 2020 -
tigerlilys-Screen-Dimmer Public
Forked from 348bestbox/the-Screen-DimmerHighly customizable multi-monitor screen dimmer made for developers, gamers, students, and digital nomads working in no-light and low-light environments (adjust gamma, brightness, contrast, overlay…
AutoHotkey MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2020 -
antibiogram Public
Forked from alexgoodell/antibiogramopen antibiotic sensitivity chart
UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
PowerToys Public
Forked from microsoft/PowerToysWindows system utilities to maximize productivity
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
optimizer Public
Forked from hellzerg/optimizerMake Windows faster and more secure
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 7, 2019 -
in-line-calculator Public
Forked from db93n2/in-line-calculator📟 an interface-less calculator for Windows
AutoHotkey The Unlicense UpdatedAug 7, 2019 -
PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer Public
Forked from Azelphur/PokemonGo-CalcyIV-RenamerUses adb to send fake tap events to your phone, alongside Calcy IV to automatically rename all your pokemon.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 20, 2019 -
metaKeyboard Public
Forked from metaseed/metaKeyboardturn a common keyboard into a 61-key keyboard for the keyboard shortcut fun like you, I'm a programer, I want to improve coding efficiency
AutoHotkey UpdatedApr 12, 2019 -
clipboard-manager Public
Forked from prashantgupta24/clipboard-managerClippy - A minimalistic clipboard manager in python
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2018 -
ezMenu Public
Forked from db93n2/ezMenueasy menu creation using indentation
AutoHotkey UpdatedOct 23, 2017 -
Gassensors Public
Forked from mdsiraj1992/Gassensorscodes for mq2, mq3, mq4, mq5, mq6, mq7, mq8, mq9, mq135
Arduino UpdatedJun 28, 2017 -
long-press Public
Forked from db93n2/long-presslong press a key to send an alternate key, symbol or string
AutoHotkey UpdatedFeb 7, 2017 -
Windows-classic-samples Public
Forked from microsoft/Windows-classic-samplesThis repo contains samples that demonstrate the API used in Windows classic desktop applications.
MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
freemydiary Public
Forked from andrewzey/freemydiaryExport your MyFitnessPal Data to Excel / CSV
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2015 -
Surviving-with-android Public
Forked from survivingwithandroid/Surviving-with-androidSource code related to the posts in the blog
Java UpdatedMay 29, 2015