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60 lines (40 loc) · 5.5 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (40 loc) · 5.5 KB


  • SDKs in paths that contain spaces will no longer report that the analysis server has terminated


Flutter Test

Basic support for flutter test has been added. If you launch a file (by pressing F5 with no launch config, or by setting program in your launch config) that is inside the test folder of a Flutter project, the script will be run using flutter test. Output will appear in the Debug Console pane. All debugging functionality (breakpoints, etc.) should work as normal.

Flutter Test

Projects in Sub-Folders

When projects are found in sub-folders you will now be prompted to mark them as Workspace folders. This will allow Dart Code to better understand which folders are projects when detecting which debugger to run when pressing F5.

Projects in Sub-Folders

Note: VS Code will duplicate these workspace folders in the top level of explorer - please +1 this VS Code issue to allow this to be configurable.

Silent Extension Reloads

Many operations in Dart Code require re-initialising the extension. This was previously done by prompting the user to "Reload Window" which resulted in a visible disruption and all extensions re-initialising. In this version Dart Code silently re-initialises itself meaning no more prompts for actions such as changing SDKs. Since this operation still terminates and restarts the Dart analysis server it may take a few moments to re-analyze your project.

SDK Picker for Flutter

The Flutter version number now appears on the status bar and allows quickly switching SDKs by clicking onit (this functionality already existed for Dart). Set the dart.flutterSdkPaths setting to an array of SDK folders (or folders containing SDKs) to use this. Note: This does not change your Flutter channel but relies on having multiple versions of the SDK in different folders (you can do this without multiple clones by using git worktree as shown in our Travis script).

SDK Picker for Flutter

Other Changes

  • dart.previewDart2 now explicitly sends --no-preview-dart-2 when set to false to allow opting-out of the Dart 2 preview once it becomes the default (if undefined, neither flag will be sent)
  • The setting dart.previewDart2 now works for Dart CLI apps in addition to Flutter (note: your Dart SDK must support it, which currently means you must be using a v2.0 dev release)
  • Pressing F5 without a launch.json will now launch more scripts without configuration (scripts inside test, bin and tool)
  • Errors when launching Flutter projects (such as when you have not accepted Android licenses) will now appear in the Debug Console
  • Flutter's Full Restart is now bound to Ctrl+F5 by default during a debugging session
  • Flutter: New Project will now validate that you do not call your project flutter or flutter_test which would lead to confusing errors about depending on itself
  • The flutter/flutter repository will once again be treated as a Flutter project rather than a Dart one, meaning it will use Flutter's version of the Dart SDK and start the flutter daemon
  • The extension will no longer crash if you try to opened a Flutter project without a Flutter SDK but with a Dart SDK in your PATH
  • The display of the workspace symbols has been updated to include file paths in addition to class names
  • The document symbol list will no longer list constructor invocations within Flutter projects
  • The document symbol list (Ctrl+Shift+O) now uses the same API as the workspace symbol list (as updated in the previous version) when your SDK supports it, resulting in more consistent rendering between document/workspace lists
  • Running Pub: Get Packages, Pub: Upgrade Packages, Flutter: Get Packages or Flutter: Upgrade Packages directly from the command palette will now switch between flutter and pub based on the project type
  • Commands like Pub: Get Packages will no longer fail if your Dart SDK is in a folder with parentheses in the name
  • Code completion will no longer insert unwanted parentheses or colons that already exist ahead of the cursor when typing quickly
  • Code completion for named arguments will no longer insert placeholders but instead automatically re-trigger code completion where the value should be provided
  • Dart and Flutter version numbers will no longer show in the status bar when the active file is not a Dart file
  • The SDK quick-picker will now include your current SDK even if it's not included via the dart.sdkPaths/dart.flutterSdkPaths settings
  • The SDK quick-picker will now longer show an error if configured folders contain symlinks to Dart binaries
  • A new option (dart.vmAdditionalArgs) has been added to pass custom arguments to the VM when launching Dart CLI apps
  • Code completion will no longer get stuck open after typing @override

Preview Features available in this version

Past Versions

For full release notes of previous versions, see