Dart Code extends VS Code with support for the Dart programming language, and provides tools for effectively editing, refactoring, running, and reloading Flutter mobile apps, and AngularDart web apps.
Dart Code can be installed from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace or by searching within VS Code.
- Edit and Debug Flutter mobile apps
- Edit and Debug Dart command line apps
- Automatic hot reloads for Flutter
- Refactorings and Code fixes (lightbulb)
- Quickly switch between devices for Flutter
- Flutter Doctor command
- Flutter Get Packages command
- Flutter Upgrade Packages command
- Automatically gets packages when
is saved - Prompts for full restarts when a hot reload does not re-execute all code
- Automatically finds SDKs from
- Notification of new stable Dart SDK releases
- Sort Members command
- Support for debugging "just my code" or SDK/libraries too (
) - Prompts to get packages when out of date
- Syntax highlighting
- Code completion
- Snippets
- Realtime errors/warnings/TODOs
- Documentation in hovers/tooltips
- Go to Definition
- Find References
- Rename refactoring
- Format document
- Support for format-on-save (
) - Support for format-on-type (
) - Workspace symbol search
- Document symbol search
- Organize Directives command
- Pub Get Packages command
- Pub Upgrade Packages command
- Type Hierarchy
A full list of settings is available here.
A full list of supported refactors is available here.
This extension reports some analytics such as:
- Extension load and analysis times
- Whether you have disabled some settings (such as showing TODOs in Problems Window or Closing Labels)
- Frequency of use of features like Hot Reload, Full Restart and Open Observatory
- Crashes in the Dart analysis server
- Platform and Dart/Flutter SDK versions
Reporting can be disabled via the dart.allowAnalytics
For full release notes, see the changelog.