Starred repositories
A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and…
Scrape Civitai for AI generated images and prompts
An advanced guide to learn English which might benefit you a lot 🎉 . 离谱的英语学习指南/英语学习教程。
NightmareAI / Real-ESRGAN
Forked from xinntao/Real-ESRGANReal-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
小组件平移动画 | Widget on the Move, A Playful Animation
MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported.
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
Python 开源项目之「自学编程之路」,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。
🚧 持续更新 🚧 记录搭建兼顾学习娱乐的家用网络环境的过程,折腾过的一些软硬件小经验。
Information Protection & OSINT resources | 一个关于数字隐私搜集、保护、清理集一体的方案,外加开源信息收集(OSINT)对抗
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun
小型金融知识图谱构建流程(neo4j / python / cypher / KG)
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
Unified developer tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, and the web
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!