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Checkout code from SCM (git/hg/svn).


If checking out using SSH, a deployment key must be present for use by the scm_target_user or SSH agent forwarding must be enabled for the Ansible SSH connection.

sudo or similar privilege escalation is required to install the SCM package, checkout as another user (i.e. scm_target_user != ansible_user), or create the scm_target_user account.

Role Variables

Refer to the documentation for the git, hg or svn Ansible modules for more specifics regarding parameters passed directly to the underlying modules.

The following variables are typically defined to use this role:

  • scm_type: One of git (default), hg or svn.
  • scm_url: URL to repository (e.g. http://server/repo or ssh://server/repo), required.
  • scm_version: Branch, tag, revision or commit to checkout (e.g. master or HEAD).
  • scm_force: Boolean indicating whether to pass force option to SCM module, which will discard any modified files in an existing working directory; default is false.
  • scm_delete_on_update: Boolean indicating whether to delete scm_target_path before updating, default is false.
  • scm_username: Username for accessing scm_url, only supported when scm_type is svn.
  • scm_password: Password for accessing scm_url, only supported when scm_type is svn.
  • scm_target_path: Target directory for checkout (default is "~/src").
  • scm_target_user: User to become for checkout (default is ansible_user, in which case no privilege escalation will be required). This user will be created if different from ansible_user, ignoring errors if ansible_user is unable to create the user.
  • scm_target_user_home: Home directory to set if creating scm_target_user.

The following variables may also be used to customize this role, though are not likely needed in most situations:

  • scm_accept_hostkey: Boolean indicating whether to accept SSH host key, only supported when scm_type is git, role default is true.
  • scm_depth: Create a shallow clone, minimum value is 1; only supported when scm_type is git; role default is unspecified.
  • scm_executable: Path to git, hg or svn binary; default is unspecified, which searches system binary paths.
  • scm_export: Export instead of checkout/update; only supported when scm_type is svn; role default is unspecified, but the svn module default is false.
  • scm_key_file: Path to private key file on the target to use for checkout; default is unspecified; only supported when scm_type is git.
  • scm_purge: Delete untracked files when updating; only supported when scm_type is hg; role default is unspecified, but the hg module default is false.
  • scm_recursive: Boolean indicating whether to clone respotitory recursively, including submodules; only supported when scm_type is git; role default is unspecified, but the git module default is true.
  • scm_remote: Name of the remote; only supported when scm_type is git; role default is unspecified, but the git module default is "origin".
  • scm_switch: Call svn switch before update; only supported when scm_type is svn; role default is unspecified, but the svn module default is true.
  • scm_track_submodules: Boolean indicating whether submodules track the latest commits; only supported when scm_type is git; role default is unspecified, but the git module default is false.
  • scm_update: Boolean indicating whether to receive new revisions from the origin repository; role default is unspecified, but modules default to true.
  • scm_verify_commit: Boolean indicating whether to validate GPG signed commits; only supported when scm_type is git; role default is unspecified but the git module default is false.
  • scm_packages: Mapping of packages by ansible_pkg_mgr and scm_type. The role will attempt to install the required package, ignoring errors if the appropriate privilege escalation is not available. There is normally no need to change this variable unless running on a system using a different ansible_pkg_mgr than yum, apt, pacman or macports.
  • scm_ssh_agent_forwarding: Boolean indicating whether to apply fixes to allow SSH agent fowarding to work when scm_target_user is not the same as ansible_user; role default is false.
  • scm_ssh_auth_sock_sudoers_file: File path to be added in sudoers.d when scm_ssh_agent_forwarding fix is enabled; role default is "/etc/sudoers.d/ssh_auth_sock".

The following variable may be defined for the play or role invocation (but will not work if defined as an inventory group or host variable):

  • scm_notify_on_updated: Handler name to notify when the checkout was changed. The default is "scm updated"; it is generally recommended for custom handlers to listen for "scm updated" instead of changing the notification name.

The role will also set the scm_update_result fact (per host) to the result of the update task.



Example Playbook

The following example playbook checks out a public git repo and displays a message after updating:

- hosts: all
    - role: cchurch.scm
        scm_type: git
        scm_target_path: ~/src/ansible-sign
        scm_version: master
    - name: ansible sign updated
        msg: "{{ scm_target_path }} was updated from {{ scm_url }} to {{ scm_update_result.after }}."
      listen: scm updated



Author Information

Chris Church (cchurch)


Ansible role to checkout code from SCM (git/hg/svn).








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