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A multiserver IRC bot

Getting Started

cccb9 is a flexible multi-server IRC bot written in Ruby (requires 2.0 or higher). To try it out, check out the code and run "./cccb9" from the root of the repo. This will generate a default profile and create some state directories.

The bot is laid out as:

cccb9*          - the bot start script
conf/profiles/  - configuration profile directory
conf/state/     - the default state directory
lib/            - ... I won't insult your intelligence
lib/cccb/core/  - the main module directory
logs/           - the default log directory
test/           - Some ancilliary test scripts
web/template/   - templates for the internal web server

Generally, you start the bot with:

$ ./cccb9 profile-name

If it doesn't already exist, the script will create a new profile named "default" in conf/profiles (creating any directories it needs to). Profiles are YAML, with the following layout: (this is a working example)

:nick: name_for_the_bot
    - ! '#cccb9test'
    - ! '#cccb9dev'
:superuser_password: Some useful password that you set

Options that can be set in the profile are:

  • :logfile: (where to write the bot's logs)
  • :statefile: (where to store the statefiles)
  • :log_level: (set to ERROR, WARNING, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG or SPAM (in increasing order of outpout volume).
  • :nick: (the IRC nick of the bot)
  • :logfile_tag: (a tag to include on all lines logged, in case multiple instances use the same file)
  • :superuser_password: (A password that causes the bot to add a user to its list of superusers)
  • :servers: (A hash of any number of different servers to connect to. Each server can contain its own :nick:, a :host: and a :channels: array

Managing the Bot

The bot is mostly configured via irc commands. The bot recognises requests in several differnet forms:

  • Any text sent directly to the bot ("/msg botname do something")
  • Channel text prefixed with the bot's nick ("/msg #channel botname: do soemthing" (or just "botname: do something" if you're in the channel)
  • If the (default enabled) option bang_commands_enabled is set, and channel text prefixed with an exclamation mark: ("/msg #channel !do something")

Some commands and configuration options can only be used by a superuser. To add yourself as a superuser, send the command "admin superuser enable password", where "password" is the superuser password set in the profile (above).

Configuration for the bot is based on a set of cascading storage dictionaries. These are defined by the bot and its modules to store configuration and session data. Each dictionary stores a number of keys which can be set to particular values.

Dictionaries are stored in a tree structure:

  \---> network  /- channels
  |           \--|
  |              \- users
  \---> network  /- channels
                 \- users
  • core
    • This is a single global dictionary that provides default values for all the networks
    • All the dictionaries on the core object can only be altered by superusers
  • network
    • Each IRC network you connect the bot to has its own set of network dictionaries, where you can store per-network settings and data.
    • Network-level dictionaries inherit default values from the core.
    • Dictionaries on the network level can generally only be altered by superusers or by network admins. Each network has a "trusted" dictionary which can only be edited by superusers; adding the full address of a user there will make that user a network admin.
  • channels
    • Each channel has its own set of dictionaries which inherit from the network level (which may in turn inherit from the core).
    • By default, keys in a channel-level dictionary may be set by superusers, network admins and channel operators.
  • users
    • Each user has their own set of dictionaries. When using commands in a channel, they may inherit defaults from the channel (depending on the command), but will always inherit from the network.
    • By default, each user has the ability to modify their own dictionaries freely, with the exceeption of a few security-related dictionaries.

Manipulating Dictionaries

The basic command to edit the dictionaries is "setting":

18:47 <ccooke> !setting network::allowed_features
18:47 <d20> ccooke: Setting freenode::allowed_features is set to 

The setting command is used to both view and alter dictionaries. Generally, it uses a two or three part identifier for a dictionary or dictionary/key combination respectively. Some examples:

  • core::allowed_features - The entire set of all features loaded in the bot, along with their default enable or disable status.
  • core::allowed_features::dice - The key that controls whether the dicebot code is enabled by default for all networks
  • network::allowed_features::dice - The key that controls whether the dicebot code is enabled for the current network
  • channel::allowed_features::dice - The same, but for the current channel (This form only works if used publicly, within a channel). There is no allowed_features dictionary on Users.
  • c(#cccb9test)::allowed_features::dice - The same, but referring to a specific channel by name
  • n(freenode)::allowed_features::dice - Referring to a specific network by name
  • u(ccooke)::options::timzeone - The timezone setting for the User 'ccooke'.

To set a key, you send the request "setting = ". For instance:

18:54 <ccooke> !set network::allowed_features::public_log false
18:54 <d20> ccooke: Setting freenode::allowed_features::public_log is set to false

To unset a key, assign either nil or an empty value to it.

Useful Dictionaries

  • allowed_features
    • Enables and disables bot features in a specific context
  • options
    • Exists on core, network, channel and user objects
    • Stores toggles and values relevant to each object. Useful keys include:
      • bang_commands_enabled - enable and disable ! as a prefix for requests in channel
      • join_on_invite - whether the bot will automatically join a channel it is invited to. Set to false in a channel to prevent the bot joining that channel.
      • timezone - used to control the output of time values

Writing Modules

The bot will autoload all modules added to lib/cccb/modules/. All such modules need to be in the CCCB::Core namespace. Here's a simple example that prints the title of youtube videos:

require 'mechanize'

module CCCB::Core::URIVideoTitle
  # This is mandatory. Loads in the dependency resolution code
  extend Module::Requirements

  VIDEO_URI_REGEX = /(\/watch.*v=|\/|\/)(.*?)(&|$)/i

  # The list of dependencies. Almost anything that you are likely
  # to write will depend on :bot. This module depends on :links 
  # because it will process uri events
  needs :bot, :links

  # Every module defines a module_load. These methods will be called
  # in dependency-resolution order (so the CCCB::Core::Bot and 
  # CCCB::Core::Links module_load methods will have been called before
  # this
  def module_load
    # Set the core dictionary "options" key "log_video_title" to true
    # but only if it is not yet set.
    default_setting true, "options", "log_video_title"

    # Every module has its own storage area. This is named after the 
    # module (converted to snake_case). Data saved to it will be
    # automatically saved and loaded from the bot's state directory
    # module_load should default any values in case the state is cleared
    uri_video_title.history ||= []

    # AVOID USING @instance VARIABLES. Your module will be loaded into
    # the CCCB core object instance; two modules using the same @instance
    # variable name would be very easy. Use the namespaced OpenStruct
    # instead.

    add_hook :uri_video_title, :uri_found do |message, uri_data|
      # uri_data is a hash with :uri, :protocol, :before and :after keys

      # next in this block acts as a return would in a method
      next unless message.to_channel?
      next unless match = VIDEO_URI_REGEX.match(uri_data[:uri])
      # If the option isn't set on the user, the code will check the
      # channel, then the network and finally the core for it.
      next unless message.user.get_setting("options", "log_video_title")

      source = match[1]
      title = uri_data[:uri] ).title.strip.lines.first.chomp
      if /youtu(\.be|be\.com)/.match source
        source = "youtube"
      elsif /vimeo/.match source
        source = "vimeo"

      # Send a reply to the message...
      message.reply "#{source} video: #{title}"
      # And store the uri in our history
      uri_video_title.history << [ message.nick, source, uri_data[:uri], title ]
      uri_video_title.history.shift if uri_video_title.history.count > 1024

    add_command :uri_video_title, "link search" do |message, args|
      pattern = Regexp.escape(args.join(' '))
      pattern.gsub! /%/, '.*'
      regex =
      seen = {} { |(n,s,u,title)| 
        regex.match title 
      }.each do |(nick, source, uri, title)|
        next if seen.include? uri
        message.reply "from #{nick} [#{title}]: #{uri}"
        seen[uri] = true