// This is a single line comment
This is a
block comment
int any_variable = 58;
byte a; // 8 bit value without decimals
int a; // 16 bit value without decimals
long a; // 32 bit value without decimals
float a; // 32 bit value with decimal points
a = a + 2; // Addition
b = b - 2; // Subtraction
c = c * 2; // Multiplication
d = d / 2; // Division
a == b // a is equal to b
a != b // a is not equal to b
a < b // a is less than b
a > b // a is greater than b
a <= b // a is less than or equal to b
a >= b // a is greater than or equal to b
x > 6 && x < 12 // AND operator
x > 6 || x < 12 // OR operator
!x > 6 // NOT operator
x++ // increments by 1
x-- // decrmenets by 1
x += y // increments x by +y
x -= y // decrmenets x by -y
x *= y // multiplies x by y
x /= y // divides x by y
pin_1_name = 9; // Assign a digital pin
pin_2_name = 3;
analog_pin_name = A0; // Assign an analog pin
pinMode(pin_name, INPUT); // Sets pin as Input
pinMode(pin_name, OUTPUT); // Sets pin as Output
int any_variable_2 = digitalRead(pin_name); // reads a digital (discrete) value at the specified pin and stores it in the variable
digitalWrite(pin_name, HIGH); // sets the mentioned pin voltage level HIGH
digitalWrite(pin_name, LOW); // sets the mentioned pin voltage level LOW
int any_variable = analogRead(pot); // reads an analog value at the specified pin and stores it in the variable
analogWrite(any_variable); // improvises the read analog value onto the mentioned variable
#include</*any Libraries you want to call*/>
pin_declaration = 9; // Pin Declaration
int a = 8; // Initialising and Declaring any variables
void setup(){
void loop(){
void setup(){
pinMode(pin_name, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
digitalWrite(pin_name, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin_name, LOW);
int delayValue(){
int v;
v = analogRead(pot);
v /= 4;
return v;
// Calling a function
if (random_variable >= 55){
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
else if (random_variable <= 55){
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// For Loop
for (int i = 0; i >= 50; i++){
// This code inside for loop will be run 50 times
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turns Built-in LED ON
delay(500); // for 0.5 seconds
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turns Built-in LED OFF
delay(500); // for 0.5 seconds
// While Loop
while (pin_name_2 == 1){
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// Do While Loop
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
} while (pot <= 500);
int my_Array[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
my_Array[2] = 23; // declares value of the third element to 23
x = my_Array[5] // using a value from array. x is now equal to 6
void setup(){
void loop(){
Serial.println(/* Anything you want to be sent to the Serial Monitor */);