MicroPython integrated into Jupyter notebooks
Embeded Toolchains in opensource way
MotoMaxis / DS203-DSOQuad
Forked from jelinj8/dso203Wildcat's firmware for the DS203/Quad pocket oscilloscope
APM32F103CBT6/STM32F103CBT6 Mini Debugger
Simple and useful MicroPython examples on ESP8266/ESP32/Pico W
Micropython routines for GrowMax automation board by
Application of uasyncio to hardware interfaces. Tutorial and code.
A lightweight MicroPython GUI library for display drivers based on framebuf, allows input via pushbuttons. See also micropython-touch.
A curated list of awesome MicroPython libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
MicroPython based ESP WiFi Manager
This project uses weather API's to determine if significant rain has fallen in the last day, or is forecast today, and if so disables the garden watering system to conserve water.
Modbus RTU Slave/Master for the Arduino Platform
A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD and Windows
lvgl micropython esp32 ili9488
This repository is dedicated to a software I created and I decided to share with the community. Tt corresponds to the 3rd tutorial of my YouTube channel MakeIT. The goal of this software is to use …
Acquiring temperature data from an arduino through serial communication and saving it with an associated time stamp to a Excel file.
Read serial data and saved to spreadsheets
Arduino Excel is a powerful interface between Arduino and MS Excel that supports realtime data exchanging in both directions.
📻 使用 VSCode + Keil 工具链编写和编译 51单片机,无需启动 μVision,完全兼容现有代码
Use your Rasperry Pi Pico and Android Phone as an Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer
HTS221, LPS22, LIS2DW12, LIS2MDL, LSM6DSO, STTS751, si7051, bme280, bmp280, APDS9930, TM1650, TM1637, LCD1602, GNSS, all kinds of micropython drives, examples, libs
Micropython GFX Utility library for Adafruit 0.96" SSD1306 monochrome OLED Displays