- Calendly Scheduling Link for Recording
- The Pipeline - CDF Podcast landing page
- Submission Form
- CDF Podcast Buzzsprout url
The goal of the podcast program is to offer developers digital content that is – educational, fun, digestible, technical, and industry focused. This will be a 30 - 60 minute long discussion with hackers, thought leaders & innovators of open source software about CI/CD emerging practices, industry trends, tips, and important/hot topics. This will be published on a weekly cadence.
- Emerging & best practices in the open source software space, specifically in the CD and DevOps industry
- Updates on the CDF’s open source graduated & incubating projects: Screwdriver, Spinnaker, Jenkins, JenkinsX, & Tekton
- Interview industry experts, leaders, and innovators about industry trends, hot topics, emerging practices, best practices, and other insights
- The podcast calendar is available for a 60 rolling day period. To choose a podcast date, go to the podcast calendar to view the available recording dates. Choose your preferred date. You will receive a calendar invite automatically via Calendly. The calendar invite will be updated with the company / project name, which confirms your podcast. When it gets closer to the podcast date, an email is sent confirming the podcast date is still good for you and outlines the next steps.
- The purpose of the podcasts is to educate the community and align your business with important thought-leadership topics.
- The audience is interested in technical demos that help them solve problems and want to be able to ask your expert questions.
- Our audience spans from developers, architects, CIOs, and CTOs. Topics should be tailored for which of those audiences you're trying to target.
- We are emphasizing SEO optimization this year to drive more registrations and views after the fact, so please take some extra time to make sure your abstract is highlighting important keywords. We'll be making suggestions as well.
- Title
- Abstract
- Speaker Name
- Headshot
- Title
- Company
- Bio
- Email addresses for all speakers / panelists
- Interview questions
- Summary of your episode
- Email your materials to podcast editor
- Upon receipt of the abstract and the podcast recording request date submitter will receive an automated email from Calendly with zoom link.
- CDF promotes podcast episodes via email, CDF monthly newsletter, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- Our most successful podcasts are when the presenting company helps promote in addition to CDF promotion. We are often able to double our attendance in these cases.
1 week prior to your podcast episode recording send your episode outline and speaking points to the podcast editor. All presentations must be reviewed prior to the podcast recording date.
- Soundcheck: 5 mins at the beginning of the meeting
- Recording Podcast: Monday 9am-11am PT and Tuesday 1pm-3pm PT
- Podcast Platform: Buzzsprout
Episode Outline | Length | Assignee |
Podcast Intro: Title & Episode | 30 seconds | Pre-recorded |
Episode Intro: Topic & Guest Speaker | 30 seconds | Host |
Segment: My DevOps Journey | 1 min - 5 min | Host & Guest Speaker |
Episode Topic & Interview | 15 min - 24 min | Host & Guest Speaker |
Podcast Wrap Up: Sign off | 30 seconds | Pre-recorded |
- Any questions on the podcast program, email [email protected].
- Recordings will be held twice per week on Monday & Tuesday. Refer to the public calendar & calendly link to schedule your podcast recording.
- April 27, 2020
- Newsletter
- Twitter & LinkedIn Campaign
- Weekly email campaign joint w/webinar summary
- Downloads
- Page visits on the podcast landing page on the cd.foundation website