DATEX II Open Java API and examples for easier use of DATEX II in Java environment.
Due to the nature of DATEX II protocol it is not simple client/server architecture but both sides (suppliers and clients) can be both request originators and servers.
It uses several Java ecosystem technologies, most notable Spring and CXF.
The source code is licensed with BSD 3-clause license.
Created by Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i. (Transport Research Centre - Czech governmental research institute based in Brno, Czech Republic).
Feel free to contact author: jan[dot]mynarik[at]cdv[dot]cz
Branch master
currently uses DATEX 2.2 with Level B extension for parking, Parking Extension v1.0a.
In future several branches can be made for several DATEX versions.
Releases can be found in Maven Central Repository.
Snapshots are in OSSRH repository:
There is no documentation yet but you can use the force and read the source and look at example supplier and client source code, see submodules datex2-supplier
and datex2-client
Good starting points: