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C++ tutorial for Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft Docs |
A C++ tutorial that creates a C++ database and console application using an Azure Cosmos DB endorsed SDK for C++. Azure Cosmos DB is a planet-scale database service. |
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asthana86 |
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article |
12/25/2016 |
aasthan |
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Welcome to the C++ tutorial for the Azure Cosmos DB DocumentDB API endorsed SDK for C++! After following this tutorial, you'll have a console application that creates and queries Azure Cosmos DB resources, including a C++ database.
We'll cover:
- Creating and connecting to an Azure Cosmos DB account
- Setting up your application
- Creating a C++ Azure Cosmos DB database
- Creating a collection
- Creating JSON documents
- Querying the collection
- Replacing a document
- Deleting a document
- Deleting the C++ Azure Cosmos DB database
Don't have time? Don't worry! The complete solution is available on GitHub. See Get the complete solution for quick instructions.
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Now let's get started!
Please make sure you have the following:
An active Azure account. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
[!INCLUDE cosmos-db-emulator-docdb-api]
Visual Studio 2017, with the C++ language components installed. If you don’t already have Visual Studio 2017 installed, you can download and use the free Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. Make sure that you enable Azure development during the Visual Studio setup.
Let's create an Azure Cosmos DB account. If you already have an account you want to use, you can skip ahead to Setup your C++ application.
[!INCLUDE cosmos-db-create-dbaccount]
Open Visual Studio, and then on the File menu, click New, and then click Project.
In the New Project window, in the Installed pane, expand Visual C++, click Win32, and then click Win32 Console Application. Name the project hellodocumentdb and then click OK.
When the Win32 Application Wizard starts, click Finish.
Once the project has been created, open the NuGet package manager by right-clicking the hellodocumentdb project in Solution Explorer and clicking Manage NuGet Packages.
In the NuGet: hellodocumentdb tab, click Browse, and then search for documentdbcpp. In the results, select DocumentDbCPP, as shown in the following screenshot. This package installs references to C++ REST SDK, which is a dependency for the DocumentDbCPP.
Once the packages have been added to your project, we are all set to start writing some code.
Bring up Azure portal and traverse to the Azure Cosmos DB database account you created. We will need the URI and the primary key from Azure portal in the next step to establish a connection from our C++ code snippet.
Add the following headers and namespaces to your source code, after
#include "stdafx.h"
.#include <cpprest/json.h> #include <documentdbcpp\DocumentClient.h> #include <documentdbcpp\exceptions.h> #include <documentdbcpp\TriggerOperation.h> #include <documentdbcpp\TriggerType.h> using namespace documentdb; using namespace std; using namespace web::json;
Next add the following code to your main function and replace the account configuration and primary key to match your Azure Cosmos DB settings from step 3.
DocumentDBConfiguration conf (L"<account_configuration_uri>", L"<primary_key>"); DocumentClient client (conf);
Now that you have the code to initialize the documentdb client, let's take a look at working with Azure Cosmos DB resources.
Before we perform this step, let's go over how a database, collection and documents interact for those of you who are new to Azure Cosmos DB. A database is a logical container of document storage portioned across collections. A collection is a container of JSON documents and the associated JavaScript application logic. You can learn more about the Azure Cosmos DB hierarchical resource model and concepts in Azure Cosmos DB hierarchical resource model and concepts.
To create a database and a corresponding collection add the following code to the end of your main function. This creates a database called 'FamilyRegistry’ and a collection called ‘FamilyCollection’ using the client configuration you declared in the previous step.
try {
shared_ptr<Database> db = client.CreateDatabase(L"FamilyRegistry");
shared_ptr<Collection> coll = db->CreateCollection(L"FamilyCollection");
} catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
Documents are user-defined (arbitrary) JSON content. You can now insert a document into Azure Cosmos DB. You can create a document by copying the following code into the end of the main function.
try {
value document_family;
document_family[L"id"] = value::string(L"AndersenFamily");
document_family[L"FirstName"] = value::string(L"Thomas");
document_family[L"LastName"] = value::string(L"Andersen");
shared_ptr<Document> doc = coll->CreateDocumentAsync(document_family).get();
document_family[L"id"] = value::string(L"WakefieldFamily");
document_family[L"FirstName"] = value::string(L"Lucy");
document_family[L"LastName"] = value::string(L"Wakefield");
doc = coll->CreateDocumentAsync(document_family).get();
} catch (ResourceAlreadyExistsException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
To summarize, this code creates an Azure Cosmos DB database, collection, and documents, which you can query in Document Explorer in Azure portal.
Azure Cosmos DB supports rich queries against JSON documents stored in each collection. The following sample code shows a query made using SQL syntax that you can run against the documents we created in the previous step.
The function takes in as arguments the unique identifier or resource id for the database and the collection along with the document client. Add this code before main function.
void executesimplequery(const DocumentClient &client,
const wstring dbresourceid,
const wstring collresourceid) {
try {
shared_ptr<Database> db = client.GetDatabase(dbresourceid);
shared_ptr<Collection> coll = db->GetCollection(collresourceid);
wstring coll_name = coll->id();
shared_ptr<DocumentIterator> iter =
coll->QueryDocumentsAsync(wstring(L"SELECT * FROM " + coll_name)).get();
wcout << "\n\nQuerying collection:";
while (iter->HasMore()) {
shared_ptr<Document> doc = iter->Next();
wstring doc_name = doc->id();
wcout << "\n\t" << doc_name << "\n";
wcout << "\t"
<< "[{\"FirstName\":"
<< doc->payload().at(U("FirstName")).as_string()
<< ",\"LastName\":" << doc->payload().at(U("LastName")).as_string()
<< "}]";
} catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
Azure Cosmos DB supports replacing JSON documents, as demonstrated in the following code. Add this code after the executesimplequery function.
void replacedocument(const DocumentClient &client, const wstring dbresourceid,
const wstring collresourceid,
const wstring docresourceid) {
try {
shared_ptr<Database> db = client.GetDatabase(dbresourceid);
shared_ptr<Collection> coll = db->GetCollection(collresourceid);
value newdoc;
newdoc[L"id"] = value::string(L"WakefieldFamily");
newdoc[L"FirstName"] = value::string(L"Lucy");
newdoc[L"LastName"] = value::string(L"Smith Wakefield");
coll->ReplaceDocument(docresourceid, newdoc);
} catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
Azure Cosmos DB supports deleting JSON documents, you can do so by copy and pasting the following code after the replacedocument function.
void deletedocument(const DocumentClient &client, const wstring dbresourceid,
const wstring collresourceid, const wstring docresourceid) {
try {
shared_ptr<Database> db = client.GetDatabase(dbresourceid);
shared_ptr<Collection> coll = db->GetCollection(collresourceid);
} catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
Deleting the created database removes the database and all child resources (collections, documents, etc.).
Copy and paste the following code snippet (function cleanup) after the deletedocument function to remove the database and all the child resources.
void deletedb(const DocumentClient &client, const wstring dbresourceid) {
try {
} catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
We have now added code to create, query, modify, and delete different Azure Cosmos DB resources. Let us now wire this up by adding calls to these different functions from our main function in hellodocumentdb.cpp along with some diagnostic messages.
You can do so by replacing the main function of your application with the following code. This writes over the account_configuration_uri and primary_key you copied into the code in Step 3, so save that line or copy the values in again from the portal.
int main() {
try {
// Start by defining your account's configuration
DocumentDBConfiguration conf (L"<account_configuration_uri>", L"<primary_key>");
// Create your client
DocumentClient client(conf);
// Create a new database
try {
shared_ptr<Database> db = client.CreateDatabase(L"FamilyDB");
wcout << "\nCreating database:\n" << db->id();
// Create a collection inside database
shared_ptr<Collection> coll = db->CreateCollection(L"FamilyColl");
wcout << "\n\nCreating collection:\n" << coll->id();
value document_family;
document_family[L"id"] = value::string(L"AndersenFamily");
document_family[L"FirstName"] = value::string(L"Thomas");
document_family[L"LastName"] = value::string(L"Andersen");
shared_ptr<Document> doc =
wcout << "\n\nCreating document:\n" << doc->id();
document_family[L"id"] = value::string(L"WakefieldFamily");
document_family[L"FirstName"] = value::string(L"Lucy");
document_family[L"LastName"] = value::string(L"Wakefield");
doc = coll->CreateDocumentAsync(document_family).get();
wcout << "\n\nCreating document:\n" << doc->id();
executesimplequery(client, db->resource_id(), coll->resource_id());
replacedocument(client, db->resource_id(), coll->resource_id(),
wcout << "\n\nReplaced document:\n" << doc->id();
executesimplequery(client, db->resource_id(), coll->resource_id());
deletedocument(client, db->resource_id(), coll->resource_id(),
wcout << "\n\nDeleted document:\n" << doc->id();
deletedb(client, db->resource_id());
wcout << "\n\nDeleted db:\n" << db->id();
catch (ResourceAlreadyExistsException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
catch (DocumentDBRuntimeException ex) {
wcout << ex.message();
You should now be able to build and run your code in Visual Studio by pressing F5 or alternatively in the terminal window by locating the application and running the executable.
You should see the output of your get started app. The output should match the following screenshot.
Congratulations! You've completed the C++ tutorial and have your first Azure Cosmos DB console application!
To build the GetStarted solution that contains all the samples in this article, you need the following:
- Azure Cosmos DB account.
- The GetStarted solution available on GitHub.
- Learn how to monitor an Azure Cosmos DB account.
- Run queries against our sample dataset in the Query Playground.
- Learn more about the programming model in the Develop section of the Azure Cosmos DB documentation page.