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Azure Cosmos DB: .NET examples for the DocumentDB API | Microsoft Docs |
Find C# .NET examples on github for common tasks in DocumentDB, including CRUD operations. |
NoSQL example |
cosmos-db |
rnagpal |
jhubbard |
monicar |
.net |
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article |
02/22/2017 |
rnagpal |
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Latest sample solutions that perform CRUD operations and other common operations on Azure Cosmos DB resources are included in the azure-documentdb-dotnet GitHub repository. This article provides:
- Links to the tasks in each of the example C# project files.
- Links to the related API reference content.
[!INCLUDE quickstarts-free-trial-note]
- You can activate Visual Studio subscriber benefits: Your Visual Studio subscription gives you credits every month that you can use for paid Azure services.
[!INCLUDE cosmos-db-emulator-docdb-api]
You also need the Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB NuGet package.
Each sample is self-contained, it sets itself up and cleans up after itself. As such, the samples issue multiple calls to CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(). Each time this is done your subscription is billed for 1 hour of usage per the performance tier of the collection being created.
The RunDatabaseDemo method of the sample of the DatabaseManagement project shows how to perform the following tasks.
The RunCollectionDemo method of the sample CollectionManagement project shows how to do the following tasks.
The RunDocumentsDemo method of the sample DocumentManagement project shows how to do the following tasks.
The RunIndexDemo method of the sample IndexManagement project shows how to perform the following tasks.
For more information about indexing, see Azure Cosmos DB indexing policies.
The geospatial sample file, azure-documentdb-dotnet/samples/code-samples/Geospatial/Program.cs, shows how to do the following tasks.
For more information about working with Geospatial data, see Working with Geospatial data in Azure Cosmos DB.
The query document file, azure-documentdb-dotnet/samples/code-samples/Queries/Program.cs, shows how to do each of the following tasks using the SQL query grammar, the LINQ provider with query, and with Lambda.
For more information about writing queries, see SQL query within Azure Cosmos DB.
The change feed sample, azure-documentdb-dotnet/samples/code-samples/ChangeFeed/Program.cs shows how to do the following tasks.
Task | API reference |
Read change feed | DocumentClient.CreateDocumentChangeFeedQuery |
Read partition key ranges | DocumentClient.ReadPartitionKeyRangeFeedAsync |
The change feed processor sample: Change Feed Migration Tool demonstrates how to use change feed processor library to replicate data to another Cosmos DB collection.
The server-side programming file, azure-documentdb-dotnet/samples/code-samples/ServerSideScripts/Program.cs, shows how to do the following tasks.
For more information about server-side programming, see Azure Cosmos DB server-side programming: Stored procedures, database triggers, and UDFs.
The user management file, azure-documentdb-dotnet/samples/code-samples/UserManagement/Program.cs, shows how to do the following tasks.