title: Create an Internet-facing load balancer - Azure PowerShell classic | Microsoft Docs description: Learn how to create an Internet facing load balancer in classic mode using PowerShell services: load-balancer documentationcenter: na author: KumudD manager: timlt tags: azure-service-management
ms.assetid: 73e8bfa4-8086-4ef0-9e35-9e00b24be319 ms.service: load-balancer ms.devlang: na ms.topic: get-started-article ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.workload: infrastructure-services ms.date: 01/23/2017 ms.author: kumud
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[!INCLUDE load-balancer-get-started-internet-intro-include.md]
Before you work with Azure resources, it's important to understand that Azure currently has two deployment models: Azure Resource Manager and classic. Make sure you understand deployment models and tools before you work with any Azure resource. You can view the documentation for different tools by clicking the tabs at the top of this article. This article covers the classic deployment model. You can also Learn how to create an Internet facing load balancer using Azure Resource Manager.
[!INCLUDE load-balancer-get-started-internet-scenario-include.md]
To set up a load balancer using powershell, complete following steps:
- If you have never used Azure PowerShell, see How to Install and Configure Azure PowerShell and follow the instructions all the way to the end to sign into Azure and select your subscription.
- After creating a virtual machine, you can use PowerShell cmdlets to add a load balancer to a virtual machine within the same cloud service.
In the following example, you add a load balancer set called "webfarm" to cloud service "mytestcloud" (or myctestcloud.cloudapp.net), adding the endpoints for the load balancer to virtual machines named "web1" and "web2." The load balancer receives network traffic on port 80 and load balances between the virtual machines defined by the local endpoint (in this case port 80) using TCP.
Create a load balanced endpoint for the first VM "web1"
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "mytestcloud" -Name "web1" | Add-AzureEndpoint -Name "HttpIn" -Protocol "tcp" -PublicPort 80 -LocalPort 80 -LBSetName "WebFarm" -ProbePort 80 -ProbeProtocol "http" -ProbePath '/' | Update-AzureVM
Create another endpoint for the second VM "web2" using the same load balancer set name
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "mytestcloud" -Name "web2" | Add-AzureEndpoint -Name "HttpIn" -Protocol "tcp" -PublicPort 80 -LocalPort 80 -LBSetName "WebFarm" -ProbePort 80 -ProbeProtocol "http" -ProbePath '/' | Update-AzureVM
You can use Remove-AzureEndpoint to remove a virtual machine endpoint from the load balancer
Get-azureVM -ServiceName mytestcloud -Name web1 |Remove-AzureEndpoint -Name httpin | Update-AzureVM
You can also get started creating an internal load balancer and configure what type of distribution mode for a specific load balancer network traffic behavior.
If your application needs to keep connections alive for servers behind a load balancer, you can understand more about idle TCP timeout settings for a load balancer. It helps to learn about idle connection behavior when you are using Azure Load Balancer.