R8VM is a C++ library which carries out some basic linear algebra operations on R8VM matrices (real 64 bit precision Vandermonde format).
The computer code described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
R8VM is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version and a Python version
R83, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83 matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal 3xN format).
R83S, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83S matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal scalar format).
R83V, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83V matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal three vector format).
R85, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R85 matrices (real, 64 bit, pentadiagonal format).
R8BB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BB matrices (real, 64 bit, border banded format).
R8BLT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BLT matrices (real, 64 bit, band lower triangular format).
R8BTO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BTO matrices (real, 64 bit, block Toeplitz format).
R8BUT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BUT matrices (real, 64 bit, band upper triangular format).
R8CB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CB matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Band format).
R8CBB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CBB matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Border Banded format).
R8CC, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CC matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Column (Colptr,Row,Value) format).
R8GD, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8GD matrices (real, 64 bit, general diagonal format).
R8GE, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8GE matrices (real, 64 bit, General format).
R8LT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UT matrices (real, 64 bit, lower triangular format).
R8LTT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8LTT matrices (real, 64 bit, lower triangular Toeplitz format).
R8NCF, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8NCF matrices (real, 64 bit, nonsymmetric coordinate format).
R8PBL, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PBL matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric band lower format).
R8PO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PO matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric format).
R8RI, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8RI matrices (real, 64 bit, row indexed format).
R8S3, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8S3 matrices (real, 64 bit, SLAP Triad (I,J,AIJ) format).
R8SD, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8SD matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric diagonal format).
R8SP, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8SP matrices (real, 64 bit, SLAP Triad (I,J,AIJ) format).
R8SS, a C++ library which carries out linear algebra operations for R8SS matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric skyline format).
R8STO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8STO matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric Toeplitz N format).
R8TO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8TO matrices (real, 64 bit, Toeplitz 2*N-1 format).
R8UT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UT matrices (real, 64 bit, upper triangular format).
R8UTT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UTT matrices (real, 64 bit, upper triangular Toeplitz format).
- r8vm_prb.cpp, the calling program;
- r8vm_prb_output.txt, the output file.
- I4_LOG_10 returns the integer part of the logarithm base 10 of an I4.
- I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4's.
- I4_MIN returns the smaller of two I4's.
- I4_POWER returns the value of I^J.
- R8_FACTORIAL computes the factorial of N.
- R8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom R8.
- R8GE_PRINT prints an R8GE matrix.
- R8GE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8GE matrix.
- R8VEC_INDICATOR1_NEW sets an R8VEC to the indicator1 vector {1,2,3...}.
- R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.
- R8VEC_PRINT_SOME prints "some" of an R8VEC.
- R8VEC_UNIFORM_01_NEW returns a unit pseudorandom R8VEC.
- R8VM_DET computes the determinant of an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_INDICATOR sets an R8VM indicator matrix.
- R8VM_INDICATOR_DET returns the determinant of an R8VM indicator matrix.
- R8VM_MTV multiplies a vector times an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_MV multiplies an R8VM matrix times a vector.
- R8VM_PRINT prints an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_RANDOM randomizes an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_SL solves an R8VM system.
- R8VM_SL_NEW solves an R8VM system.
- R8VM_SLT solves A'*x=b where A is an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_SL_NEW solves A'*x=b, where A is an R8VM matrix.
- R8VM_TO_R8GE copies an R8VM matrix to an R8GE matrix.
- R8VM_ZEROS zeros an R8VM matrix.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 26 August 2015.