What's Changed
- Restructures the project by @nycholas in #91
- Add support to async and await by @nycholas in #92
- Bump coveralls from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #94
- Bump pylint from 2.9.3 to 2.9.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #93
- Bump pylint from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5 in /requirements by @dependabot in #95
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.21.2 to 2.23.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #96
- Bump sphinx from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #97
- Bump pylint from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6 in /requirements by @dependabot in #98
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.23.0 to 2.23.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #99
- Bump sphinx-tabs from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #102
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.23.1 to 2.23.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #101
- Bump types-setuptools from 57.0.0 to 57.0.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #103
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.23.3 to 2.24.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #104
- Bump pylint from 2.9.6 to 2.10.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #105
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #108
- Bump flake8-quotes from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #106
- Bump black from 21.7b0 to 21.8b0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #107
- Bump pytest from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5 in /requirements by @dependabot in #109
- Bump sphinx from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #110
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.4.3 to 21.9.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #112
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.25.0 to 2.26.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #111
- Bump black from 21.8b0 to 21.9b0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #113
- Bump types-setuptools from 57.0.2 to 57.4.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #115
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.26.0 to 2.26.0.post1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #116
- Bump pytest-xdist from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #117
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.26.0.post1 to 2.27.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #118
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #119
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.28.0 to 2.28.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #120
- Bump pylint from 2.10.2 to 2.11.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #114
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.28.1 to 2.29.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #121
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.1 to 21.9.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #122
- Bump pytest-cov from 2.12.1 to 3.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #125
- Bump typeguard from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #128
- Bump types-setuptools from 57.4.0 to 57.4.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #131
- Bump types-setuptools from 57.4.1 to 57.4.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #133
- Bump flake8-isort from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #132
- Bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #129
- Bump flake8-quotes from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #134
- Bump black from 21.9b0 to 21.10b0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #136
- Bump coverage from 5.5 to 6.1.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #135
- Bump coveralls from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #137
- Bump py from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #139
- Bump coverage from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #140
- Bump sphinx from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #141
- Bump pallets-sphinx-themes from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #142
- Bump coveralls from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #143
- Bump bandit from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #144
- Bump pyupgrade from 2.29.0 to 2.29.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #145
- Bump black from 21.10b0 to 21.11b0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #146
- Bump black from 21.11b0 to 21.11b1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #147
- Bump typeguard from 2.13.0 to 2.13.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #148
- Unindent & highlight code sections by @shanehh in #150
- Bump types-setuptools from 57.4.2 to 57.4.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #151
- Bump pylint from 2.11.1 to 2.12.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #152
- Bump coverage from 6.1.2 to 6.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #153
- Bump sphinx from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #154
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.2 to 21.11.28 in /requirements by @dependabot in #155
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.11.28 to 21.11.29 in /requirements by @dependabot in #156
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #94
- @shanehh made their first contribution in #150
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0