Use this package to create NuGet packages that add LuaJIT to your Visual Studio projects!
$ cd luajit-x86
$ git checkout v2.0.3 # or whatever version you want
$ cd ..
$ cd luajit-x64
$ git checkout v2.0.3 # or whatever version you want
$ cd ..
$ vi luajit.autopkg # change version to match v2.0.3.
$ git commit -m "Updated luajit source to v2.0.3"
$ git submodule update
$ cd luajit-src
$ git status # make sure the tag matches the version you want
In VS Developer Console (x86)
> cd luajit-x86
> cd src
> msvcbuild
In VS Developer Console (x64)
> cd luajit-x64
> cd src
> msvcbuild
In Powershell
> Write-NuGetPackage .\luajit.autopkg
In administrator PowerShell:
> Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
In normal PowerShell:
> Update-CoAppTools -KillPowershells