Simulate robots in Gazebo while using the ros_control package to simulate controllers in its joints.
Software for OpenCM 9.04 / OpenCM means Open-source Control Module.
Simulated a 7-DOF Robotic Arm (kuka lwr arm) and also to plan the trajectories using ROS for a collision free movement
ROS packages to control an Arduino robot arm by using Moveit
Autonomous Differential Drive Robot equipped with LIDAR AND IMU uses Hector-SLAM for mapping and ROS Navigation Stack to navigate autonomously
SSL_SLAM: Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR IEEE RA-L 2021
this repository contains all required nodes for mapping,localizing and path planning using slam_gmapping package
This repo contains the Botx ROS files for mapping and navigation
A ROS program of a turtlebot burger generating a map and then navigating through the four main room of it
ROS files for full SLAM navigation for FRC robots. This requires a Jetson TX2 with Jetpack 3.3, Ubuntu 16.04, and ROS Kinetic.
ROS packages implement SLAM and Navigation. Gazebo simulation is available if not have robot hardware.
Autonomous mobile robot using the gmapping, amcl, and move_base ROS packages
Configuration and launch files for the navigation stack on REEM
DiffBot is an autonomous 2wd differential drive robot using ROS Noetic on a Raspberry Pi 4 B. With its SLAMTEC Lidar and the ROS Control hardware interface it's capable of navigating in an environm…
ROS package for implementing slam_gmapping and ROS navigation stack on a custom 2 Wheeled Differential Drive robot.
This is workspace used in the the course "Building a bot in from scratch in ROS "
A simulation toolkit for ground robot AGV in warehouse environment, including tutorials for robot navigation and localization
Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on ROS
Kinematic model for Automatic Guided Vehicle with Mecanum wheels
A repository of introductory autonomous ground vehicle (i.e., wheeled mobile robot) simulation examples in Python.
Arduino Codes, Fritzing Files (for connecting hardware) and Android Apk (for bluetooth control) for cars with mecanum wheels
Control mecanum wheel mobile base using 3D Rudder
MecanumWheelRobot based on LIDAR positioning system with Kalman Filter. Arduino + Raspberry + Matlab GUI control using ROS.
🚗 A remote-controlled robot that has the ability to move in more directions than usually possible using unique mecanum wheels.