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Tags: cerilewis/mathnet-symbolics



Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.9.0

MathML: basic strict MathML formatting and parsing support
Infix/LaTeX: fix missing paranthesis when formatting denominator-free powers
LaTeX: fix symbols when formatting arcsin, arccos or arctan
Expression: refactoring; operators are now implemented in module instead of class


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.8.0

Simplification: more consistent behavior on infinity and complex infinity
Expression: new Constant expression leaf nodes (e, pi, I, real/floating-point)
Expression: merge Positive/NegativeInfinity with Infinity
Expression: Root, Sqrt, Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, ArcSin, ArcCos, ArcTan
Functions: Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, ArcSin, ArcCos, ArcTan
Operators: real, pi, infinity, complexInfinity, negativeInfinity
Operators: log, root, sqrt, sinh, cosh, tanh, arcsin, arccos, arctan
Numbers: compare/min/max can also handle the new constants
Structure: collect, collectIdentifiers, collectNumbers, collectFunctions etc.
Infix: decimal numbers are now parsed as real constant instead of interpreted as rational
Infix: unicode symbols for infinity, complex infinity and pi
Calculus: learnt to differentiate the new functions


Toggle v0.7.1's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.7.1

Revert FParsec dependency from 1.0.2 back to 1.0.1


Toggle v0.7.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.7.0

Updated package dependencies (no functional changes)
NuGet package now lists the proper FSharp.Core package


Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.6.0

Polynomial: square-free factorization
Polynomial: commonFactors, coefficientMonomial
Rational: reduce to cancel common simple factors (part of expand)
Numbers: integer gcd and lcm routines
Algebraic: summands, factors, factorsInteger
Expression: FromIntegerFraction


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.5.0

Infix Parser: interpret decimal notation as exact rational numbers (0.2 -> 1/5)
Infix Parser: allow white space after number literal
Calculus: modified argument order for taylor for better currying (breaking!)
Calculus: new tangentLine, normalLine
Calculus: new differentiateAt as shortcut for differentiate >> substitute


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.4.0

Calculus: add taylor expansion function
Better Paket compatibility (and NuGet with -ExcludeVersion)
Use MathNet.Numerics v3.3.0


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.3.0

Use official FSharp.Core 3.1.1 NuGet package, drop alpha suffix
Now using Paket internally to maintain NuGet dependencies


Toggle v0.2.1-alpha's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.2.1-alpha

Package fix to include explicit FSharp.Core reference


Toggle v0.2.0-alpha's commit message
Math.NET Symbolics v0.2.0-alpha

First actual release
Added and improved infix and latex expression printers and infix parsers
C# compatibility work: more idiomatic when used in C# or other .Net languages