Tags: cerilewis/mathnet-symbolics
Math.NET Symbolics v0.9.0 MathML: basic strict MathML formatting and parsing support Infix/LaTeX: fix missing paranthesis when formatting denominator-free powers LaTeX: fix symbols when formatting arcsin, arccos or arctan Expression: refactoring; operators are now implemented in module instead of class
Math.NET Symbolics v0.8.0 Simplification: more consistent behavior on infinity and complex infinity Expression: new Constant expression leaf nodes (e, pi, I, real/floating-point) Expression: merge Positive/NegativeInfinity with Infinity Expression: Root, Sqrt, Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, ArcSin, ArcCos, ArcTan Functions: Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, ArcSin, ArcCos, ArcTan Operators: real, pi, infinity, complexInfinity, negativeInfinity Operators: log, root, sqrt, sinh, cosh, tanh, arcsin, arccos, arctan Numbers: compare/min/max can also handle the new constants Structure: collect, collectIdentifiers, collectNumbers, collectFunctions etc. Infix: decimal numbers are now parsed as real constant instead of interpreted as rational Infix: unicode symbols for infinity, complex infinity and pi Calculus: learnt to differentiate the new functions
Math.NET Symbolics v0.6.0 Polynomial: square-free factorization Polynomial: commonFactors, coefficientMonomial Rational: reduce to cancel common simple factors (part of expand) Numbers: integer gcd and lcm routines Algebraic: summands, factors, factorsInteger Expression: FromIntegerFraction
Math.NET Symbolics v0.5.0 Infix Parser: interpret decimal notation as exact rational numbers (0.2 -> 1/5) Infix Parser: allow white space after number literal Calculus: modified argument order for taylor for better currying (breaking!) Calculus: new tangentLine, normalLine Calculus: new differentiateAt as shortcut for differentiate >> substitute
Math.NET Symbolics v0.2.1-alpha Package fix to include explicit FSharp.Core reference
Math.NET Symbolics v0.2.0-alpha First actual release Added and improved infix and latex expression printers and infix parsers C# compatibility work: more idiomatic when used in C# or other .Net languages