This repository is a demo of the Mutiny! integration with Quarkus.
Associated slides are available on
The demo is composed by:
- a MongoDB database pre-populated with supes
- a Kafka broker
- a Supes service retrieving heroes and villains from the MongoDB
- a Fight service using the Supes service and organize battles between heroes and villains. The outcome is available from an HTTP endpoint and sent to Kafka
- a Stats service collecting fight results from Kafka
You need four terminals to run the application and at least one other terminal for the HTTP interactions.
cd infrastructure
docker-compose up
Supes Service
cd supes-service
mvn quarkus:dev
HTTP API exposed on port 8080:
- http :8080/supes -> regular hello
- http :8080/supes/greetings -> Uni response
- http :8080/supes/hero -> random hero
- http :8080/supes/villain -> random villain
Fight Service
cd fight-service
mvn quarkus:dev
HTTP API exposed on port 8081:
- http :8081/fight -> trigger a fight
- http :8081/stream --stream -> trigger a fight ever second, response as Server-Sent Events
- in a browser open http://localhost:8081 -> the addictive UI
Stats Service
cd stats-service
mvn quarkus:dev
HTTP API exposed on port 8082:
- http :8082/stats --stream -> The current outcome (heroes vs. villains) as Server-Sent Events