- OpenWeatherMaps API as well as DarkSky API
- Languages available; en ,fr ,de ,es ,cz
Arduino based ESP32 standalone device that connects via wifi and reports weather every hour. Provides a rather technical but detailed info for a 48 hour forecast, loaded from Openweathermap or Darksky (must register to get api key). Should remain alive updating every hour for about 4 months without need to recharge. A full charge-discharge cycle is needed to show battery level meassure correctly.
- 1x Waveshare / Good Display 2.9 (BW), 4.2 (BW or BWR), 5 (BW), 7.5 (BW or BWR) or TTGO T5 without board. (See support in GxEPD)
- 1x DESPI-C02
- 1x Lolin32 (or similar ESP32, please note you need free SPI and may need to adapt GPIO number)
- 1x Li-ion 3,7V battery (preferable 4000-5000mAh)
- (Optional) 2x1MOhm resistors for battery voltage measurement
- (Optional) 3D printed frame (
- (Optional) temp sensor for internal Temp meassure DS18B20 or TMP36 both adopted. Value is shown in screen below the top big "ºC".
Lolin32 connections from board to DESPI-C02 (or similar);
- pin 13 ORANGE - CS (CS -> GPIO13/HSPI_ID )
- pin 14 WHITE - RST (RST -> GPIO14/HSPI_CLK)
- pin 21 GREEN - DC (DC -> GPIO21/HSPI_CS0)
- pin 22 VIOLET - BUSY (BUSY -> GPIO22/HSPI_WP0)
- pin 18 YELLOW - SCK //Not used in app, but connection is needed
- pin 23 BLUE - DIN //Not used in app, but connection is needed
- any +3.3V RED
Other OPTIONAL connections to Lolin32 board
- pin 35 VOLTAGE (connected to the middle point of the 1MOhm voltage divider between Bat- and Bat+)
- pin 15 DS18B20 Temperature sensor
- pin 34 TMP36 Temperature sensor
As FirebaseESP32 is bigger, you may need to increase partition for apps. Otherwise you might need to remove features (internal temperature sensors, gsender, etc...) in order to fit the app in the default 1280kB app partition.
Copy attached boards.txt file to \packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.4\boards.txt. Or edit boards.txt file in that folder and add the following lines (you may need to change "lolin32" with the board of your choice): SPIFFS (Large APPS with OTA)
Then copy the "med_spiffs.csv" file in this project to folder \packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.4\tools\partitions.
Please maintain stuck to the library recommendation on the ".ino" file. Don't install library versions higher than those expressly indicated as you could suffer incompatibilities.
Attached you have a working zip you can extract on your libraries folder and make it works with Android 1.8.19 and EP32 1.0.4 libraries.
Board Manager ESP32 // Maximum allowed 1.0.4 as 1.0.5 or higher are too big for this app (or resize partition as shown before)
ArduinoJson.h // Max 5.13.x as 6.x won't fit on RAM while deserializing Weather
FirebaseESP32.h // avoid >3.8.8. because of size issues
Adafruit_GFX 1.11.3 and u8G2_for_Adafruit_GFX 1.8.0
GxEPD 3.1.3 works fine but limit Adafruit_BusIO max 1.11.0.
Front of 4.2" wall version
Back of 4.2" wall version
2.9" desk clock version
- 1 Remaining days of battery expected
- 2 battery graph
- 3 battery historical graph
- 4 Current temp
- 5 Current weather status
- 6 Current Date (you can change language in sketch "WeekDayNames")
- 7 Today's forecast (you can change language in sketch "sWeatherLNG" )
- 8 This week's forecast
- 9 Bold Black graph TEMPERATURE
- 10 Dotted black graph CLOUD %
- 11 Red filled line PRECIPITATION in mm. Probability is detailed in the width of the dotted bars below red line.
- 12 Night, defined by sunset and sunrise lines.
- 13 IP Location or "CustomText" variable in Firebase.
- 14 Time of last update
- 15 Weather icons each 6 hours for a 48 hour forecast.
Customize hardcoded variables at your glance in the config.h file. Choose your hardware there (WS2,WS4c, etc..) and insert your keys (darksy, wifi and so). You can also add those later.
- Edit WifiDefaultJson with your wifi values
- Choose API; "darksky" or "openweathermap"
- then darksky api key (or OpenWeatherMap api key)
- your Weather report gps location ( "1.23,4.56" format). You can take the gps coordinates from the url on google maps when pointing at your location.
- API language; en, es, fr ("en"glish default)
- Time zone string as defined in (CET default)
- Hour of the first wake-up refresh every morning (7h00 default)
- in case you need Cloud management, Firebase integration api key should be configured. This option is really interesting whenever you have multiple devices as you can download weather data to firebase and use that source as an alternative to consume your Darksky download count limit.
- Once you have many devices (I have around 10 for my family) management via Firebase and OTA Updates is really needed. OTA updates requires a AWS S3 account and Firebase integration for remote command.
Wifi setup can also be done in the json file "wifi.txt" added in the data folder. Please note that this folder files must be uploaded to the ESP32's SPIFFS with the arduino app.
Recommended: Add room for app as described in "Resize App Size Partition".
You can later change those hardcoded values through the Web interface in the Menu operation.
As there no button is needed for normal operation, configuration is done only with reset button. When you push the reset button, you start a boot cycle of all boot modes; "Standard", "Web Server Setup", "Show Values", "ERASE BATT_LEVEL", "ERASE ALL", "OTA DEFAULT". Whenever a boot page is loaded, if you press reset again in the first 3 seconds after the display is refreshed, then you pass to next boot mode.
- Standard: this is the base mode and leads to the weather graph
- Web Server Setup: the device starts a WIFI AP named ESP32 where you can config all functional values
Once you are connected to the ESP32 Wifi AP, open in a browser, and modify the params of choice. You can "Send" the values to the flash config data, or erase all values or return to defaults... Whatever.
- Show values: shows internal operational parameters
- ERASE BATT_LEVEL, deletes all values learned from battery behaviour
- ERASE ALL, deletes all NVS values
- OTA DEFAULT, loads your S3 default bin and writes it down to the OTA partition
Normal operation does not require any button to be pressed and the only display shown is the weather forecast display.
- Default values are hardcoded and can be updated via a Wifi server included in the app.
- When updated, the new values are stored in SPIFFs as a backup. This backup is used whenever WIFI is not available.
- When WiFi is available Firebase is checked and compared with stored values. User can interact with gadget values through Firebase and change gadget behaviour. Any update on the later, will be written as backup to SPIFFs (as in point 2). Cloud managemente makes easier to change options without touching the device.
- Weather data is downloaded from API to app.
- When successfully downloaded it is also filtered and uploaded to Firebase so other devices in same position share the info. That helps you in case you have several gadgets in the same location. I have some for my family members and I only consume 20 updates per day of darksky. Firebase information is only valid if one hour old. If older, then it is downloaded again from API (1).
- All succesfull downloads are stored in SPIFFs for backup in case Wifi is not available. You will have 24 hours until data is empty.
(18/11/11 Update) Added GxEPD driver v1 option as I suspect v2 drivers drain more battery. When using 4,2" screen, driver v1 cycle is 37secs and v2 cycle is 42secs. You can define G1 or G2 to choose version in code.
(18/11/29 Update) Added AWS S3 based OTA upload capabilities. You will need to have a S3 bucket with the bin file uploaded, and then define in the Firebase parameter "OTAUpdate" the name of the bin. The OTA update will be automatically done next time the system reboots.
(18/12/13 Update) Also available Geocoding api to locate the GPS position's Locality name.
(20/03/16 Update) 7 day forecast included as optional.
(20/10/30) Upgraded to FirebaseESP32
(20/12/11) Added support for OpenWeatherMaps (DarkSky also valid). Now you can choose the API in sWeatherAPI. Don't forget to add a valid key for your API on sWeatherKEY
P.D. I know the code is really long and messy, but it is my sandbox for many projects and I didn't try to make it beautiful. I apologize if you try to understand all the coded processes :-)