ardakalayci / f1-dash
Forked from slowlydev/f1-dashA real-time F1 dashboard
Dapper implementation of UserStore and RoleStore, to be used with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.
Source code for the DDD and EF Core Pluralsight course
Azure version of the eShopOnContainers, with implementations based on Azure services.
.Net onion/clean architecture sample
Clean Architecture Microservices example of .Net Core
A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
Simple javascript toast notifications
cari1 mail:[email protected] Şifre:123 cari2 mail:[email protected] şifre: 123 Personel Ad:Burak Şifre:123
ASP.NET MVC5 - Iniciativa de aprendizaje mediante ejemplos
This is a goindex theme.一个goindex的扩展主题。