Road Closures project is a UX project exploring the current user experience of Scott Walker, a city employee as he creates the documents and uploads the information to the public concerning road closures with in the Orlando city limits.
Our goal is to create a solution that will have 2 outcomes:
- Make Scott's job easier, not harder.
- Output data in an open format to the Data Portal to be used in a map solution available to the public.
This project will begin as a UX project, mapping Scotts journey as he completes his job to understand his process and pain points. Then we will prototype solutions and work with Scott in a co-creation process to ensure the final product is something that meets Scott's needs.
Here are a few things you can do to get oriented if you are interested in contributing to this project:
- Join the #road-event-app channel in the Code for Orlando Slack
- Review current Orlando Road Closures Report
- Review Open511 Road Event Data Standard
- Open 511 Demo App (Can we reuse any of this?)
- Review Meeting Notes (below)
- Notes from First Meeting with Scott Walker Jan-12-2017
- Notes from "Shadow" Meeting with Scott Walker Feb-23-2017
- Scott's Process Flow Chart from "Shadow" Meeting with Scott Walker Feb-23-2017
- Road Closures Map Data Project
- Develop Scott Walker User Persona
- Develop Journey Map of Scott's Process
- Consider quick win: Image banner to highlight road closure map (improve page views)
Team velocity is currently unknown. The dates below are subject to change.
Feb: Shadow Scott Walker at City Hall (COMPLETE)- March: Journey Map / User Persona
- April: Solution Ideation / Prototypes Iteration
- May: Initial User Test(s)
###UX Resources
- Orlando Fence Permit Journey Map (by Matt Lavoie & team)
Answers will be added as they are gathered. :)
- What geographical region is Scott Walker responsible for?
- City of Orlando
- How long does his process currently take? How long will the shadowing session need to last?
- How many people can attend the shadowing session?
- Erin Denton, Matt Lavoie, and Cassandra Wilcox attended
- What information can we / can't we record during the shadowing session? Photos?
- We were unable to capture video, but Scott allowed us to take a photo of him :)
- How do 18A Special Events Permits come to Scott Walker? How are they processed?
- Is any of the "internal" info related to road closures (that is not published publicly) protected/private?
- Where would the app be hosted? Who will pay for hosting? What security measures are needed?
- How technically proficient is our target user? Does he have a smart phone?
###Research Needed:
- How does Google Maps use/present road closure information?
- How does info from current Road Closure Report compare to Open511 standard?
- Open 511 Demo App Is this app open source? Can we reuse any of it?