- James Munroe
Add your information to the people.json
file to make your name, organization, and GitHub id appear in the Participants section of the website.
A JSON file uses braces, quotations, and commas to separate out the information. Copy an existing person's information as a template for your own.
Add your organization and favourite ocean feature to the places.geojson
file. This will make a marker appear on the map with the location, type, and description information in a pop up. If the type is "Organization", the marker will get a different symbol color.
A GeoJSON file is a type of JSON file that is used for encoding a variety of geographic data. Please note that is GeoJSON the coordinates are given by [ longitude, latitude ].
The website has a very useful editor that can be used to find the coordinates of any feature by using the tools provided. Copy and paste the entire places.geojson
into this editor and then copy it back to GitHub to commit your changes.
Create your own website that will look like my website
- From your main profile page in GitHub click on New Repository
- Give your repository the following name [username] *
- Click on Create Repository
- Click on the Import Code button under the "...or import code from another repository" section
- Paste the following URL in the “Your old repository’s clone URL" section
- Click on Begin Import
- Once import is complete navigate to [] in your web browser *Note: For for GitHub Pages site to work correctly, the repository name must exactly match the format of [username] For example if your GitHub username is student1234 your GitHub Pages repository must be named
- Open your web browser and go to [username]
- Open a second web browser tab that shows the files in your repository[username]/[username]
- Edit the main settings file for your website to add your name, and to link your accounts
- Click on the _config.yml file in your repository to see the contents of that file
- Click on the ‘Edit This File’ button
- Edit the following entries of the _config.yml file
- Title
- Name
- Bio
- Email (enter your full email address)
- Edit the following entries to provide links to social media platforms by replacing #username with your actual username on that platform.
- GitHub
- ... etc.
After making changes to the file, make a note under the ‘Commit Changes’ section documenting the changes that you made (e.g. Updated social media usernames)
- Click ‘Commit changes’ Refresh the browser tab that contains your live website ([username] and confirm that changes were made to your site