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Deploying Ecommerce Application using Docker


The purpose of this workload is to deploy an e-commerce application onto AWS infrastructure using a combination of Docker, Terraform, and Jenkins. The objective is to ensure the application is secure, highly available, and fault-tolerant while leveraging modern DevOps practices. Specifically, the workload focuses on:

  1. Containerization: Packaging the frontend and backend components of the application into Docker containers, making the deployment consistent across environments.

  2. CI/CD Pipeline: Using Jenkins to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying the application. This includes:

    • Building and pushing Docker images to Docker Hub.
    • Deploying the application via Docker Compose on EC2 instances.
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Utilizing Terraform to define and provision AWS infrastructure, including VPC, EC2 instances, RDS, and an ALB. This ensures the infrastructure is repeatable and version-controlled.

  4. Monitoring and Troubleshooting: Setting up Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the application servers' resources and create dashboards for insights into system performance.

  5. Secure and Scalable Deployment: Placing the application containers in private subnets for security while routing traffic through a load balancer in public subnets. Bastion servers are used for SSH access to private instances, ensuring a secure and scalable architecture.

This workload demonstrates how to combine containerization, automation, and IaC to deploy and manage a modern web application effectively.


  1. Clone this repo to your GitHub account and call it "ecommerce_docker_deployment".

  2. Create a t3.micro EC2 called "Jenkins". This will be your Jenkins Manager instance. Install Jenkins and Java 17 onto it.

  3. Create a t3.medium EC2 called "Docker_Terraform". This will be your Jenkins NODE instance. Install Java 17, Terraform, Docker, and AWS CLI ont0 it. For this workload it would be easiest to use the same .pem key for both of these instances to avoid confusion when trying to connect them. Ensure your Docker_Terraform instance can create infrastructure without requiring access keys by attaching an IAM role to the instance with the appropriate permissions.

  4. The next few steps walktrough setting up a Jenkins Node Agent.

    a. Make sure both instances are running and then log into the Jenkins console in the Jenkins Manager instance. On the left side of the home page under the navigation panel and "Build Queue", Click on "Build Executor Status"

    b. Click on "New Node"

    c. Name the node "build-node" and select "Permanent Agent"

    d. On the next screen,

      i. "Name" should read "build-node"
      ii. "Remote root directory" == "/home/ubuntu/agent"
      iii. "Labels" == "build-node"
      iv. "Usage" == "Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node"
      v. "Launch method" == "Launch agents via SSH"
      vi. "Host" is the private IP address of the Node Server
      vii. Click on "+ ADD" under "Credentials" and select "Jenkins".
      viii. Under "Kind", select "SSH Username with private key"
      ix. "ID" == "build-node"
      x. "Username" == "ubuntu"
      xi. "Private Key" == "Enter directly" (paste the entire private key of the Jenkins node instance here. This must be the .pem file)
      xi. Click "Add" and then select the credentials you just created.  
      xii. "Host Key Verification Strategy" == "Non verifying Verification Strategy"
      xiii. Click on "Save"

    e. Back on the Dashboard, you should see "build-node" under "Build Executor Status". Click on it and then view the logs. If this was successful it will say that the node is "connected and online".

  5. Create terraform file(s) for creating the infrastructure. We will be using four modules as outlined below:


    • 1x Custom VPC named "wl6vpc" in us-east-1
    • 2x Availability Zones, we're using us-east-1a and us-east-1b.
    • 2x Public Subnets and 2x Private Subnets. One of each in each AZ.
    • 1x Internet Gateway, 2x NAT Gateways and 1x Elastic IP to assign to my NAT Gateway, one NAT in one Public Subnet.
    • 2x Route Tables, 1x Public Route Table for both Public Subnets, 1x Route Table for both private subnets
    • 4x Route Table Associations.
      • 2x for Public Subnets to Public Route Table.
      • 2x for Private Subnets to Private Route Table.
    • 1x VPC Peering Connection between Default VPC and wl6vpc VPC.
    • Resources to call Default VPC resources and assign proper routing and associations where needed for the Default VPC to communicate with Custom VPC.
    • 1x App Security Group


    • 2x Bastion Servers, 1x in each Public Subnet, in each AZ. These must be named "ecommerce_bastion_az1" and "ecommerce_bastion_az2" respectively.
    • 1x Bastion Security Group associated to the Bastion servers.
    • 2x App Servers, 1x in each Private Subnet, in each AZ. These must be named "ecommerce_app_az1" and "ecommerce_app_az2" respectively.
    • Associate app security group created in VPC module to the app servers.


    • 1x RDS Postgres DB
    • 1x RDS Subnet Group, associating to the 2 Backend Private Subnets.
    • 1x RDS Security Group, determining what ports are open and which addresses can enter those ports.


    • 1x Application Load Balancer
    • 1x Application Load Balancery Security Group, allowing port 80.
    • 1x Listener on Port 80
    • 1x Target Group for Port 3000
    • 2x Target Group Attachments, 1x for each App Server at port 3000.

    Use the following "user_data" code for your App EC2 resource block:

    user_data = base64encode(templatefile("./", {
        rds_endpoint = var.rds_endpoint,
        docker_user = var.dockerhub_username,
        docker_pass = var.dockerhub_password,
        docker_compose = templatefile("./compose.yml", {
            rds_endpoint = var.rds_endpoint

    Note: In the root we want to ensure that the resources are created in the following order:

    • VPC
    • RDS
    • EC2
    • Load

    We can accomplish like so:

    module "RDS" {
        source = "./modules/database"
        vpc_id = module.VPC.vpc_id
        private_subnet_id = module.VPC.private_subnet_id_1
        private_subnet_id_2 = module.VPC.private_subnet_id_2
        app_security_group_id = module.VPC.app_security_group_id
        depends_on = [module.VPC]

    NOTE: Notice what is required for the user data block. (var.dockerhub_username, var.dockerhub_password,, compose.yml, and var.rds_endpoint) Make sure that you declare the required variables and create the and compose.yml and place them in the same directory as your

  6. Create a file that will run in "user_data".

    a. This script must do the following in order:

    • install docker and docker-compose;

    • log into DockerHub;

    • create the docker-compose.yml with the following code:

      echo "[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] Creating app directory..."
      mkdir -p /app
      cd /app
      echo "[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] Created and moved to /app"
      echo "[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] Creating docker-compose.yml..."
      cat > docker-compose.yml <<EOF
      echo "[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] docker-compose.yml created"

    The preceding code dynamically creates a docker-compose.yml file in the /app directory by writing the content of the ${docker_compose} variable into the file using the cat command and a here-document (<<EOF ... EOF). This substitutes the value of ${docker_compose} at runtime, ensuring the file is generated with the desired configuration.

    • run docker-compose pull

    • run docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

    • Clean the server by running a docker system prune and logging out of dockerhub.

    # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file
    exec > /var/log/user-data.log 2>&1
    # Install Node Exporter
    echo "Installing Node Exporter..."
    sudo apt-get update -y
    sudo apt-get install -y wget
    tar xvfz node_exporter-1.6.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo mv node_exporter-1.6.0.linux-amd64/node_exporter /usr/local/bin/
    rm -rf node_exporter-1.6.0.linux-amd64*
    cat <<EOL | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service
    Description=Node Exporter
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start node_exporter
    sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
    echo "Node Exporter installed and running."
    # Install Docker and Docker Compose
    echo "Installing Docker..."
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl
    sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
    sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
    sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
    echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
    docker --version
    echo "Docker installed successfully."
    sleep 60
    ### Post Install Docker Group
    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    newgrp docker
    # Log into DockerHub
    echo "Logging into DockerHub..."
    echo "${docker_pass}" | docker login --username "${docker_user}" --password-stdin || {
    echo "Docker login failed!" >&2
    exit 1
    # Create docker-compose.yaml and deploy
    echo "Setting up Docker Compose..."
    mkdir -p /app
    cd /app
    cat > docker-compose.yml <<EOF
    docker compose pull
    docker compose up -d --force-recreate
    echo "Docker Compose services deployed."
    # Cleanup
    docker logout
    docker system prune -f
    echo "Cleanup complete."
  7. Create Dockerfiles for the backend and frontend images

    a. Name the Dockerfile for the backend "Dockerfile.backend"

    • Pull the python:3.9 base image

    • Copy the "backend" directory into the image

    • install django-environ and all other dependencies

    • Run python makemigrations account, python makemigrations payments, python makemigrations product

    • Expose port 8000

    • Set the command python runserver to run when the container is started

    b. Name the Dockerfile for the frontend "Dockerfile.frontend"

    • Pull the node:14 base image

    • Copy the "frontend" directory into the image

    • Run npm install

    • Expose port 3000

    • Set the command npm start to run when the container is started

  8. Add your Docker hub credentials as a secret to your jenkins server. Be sure to select "(global)" under the "Stores scoped to Jenkins" section and Choose the "Kind" as Username with password.

  9. Create a jenkins file that will do the following:

    a. Environment Setup:

    • Retrieves Docker Hub credentials using DOCKER_CREDS.

    b. Build Stage:

    • Sets up a Python virtual environment, upgrades pip, and installs backend dependencies from requirements.txt.

    c. Test Stage:

    • Activates the virtual environment, installs pytest-django, and runs unit tests from backend/account/, generating test reports.

    d. Cleanup Stage (Intermediate):

    • Cleans unused Docker resources and removes untracked files from the repository, preserving Terraform state files.

    e. Build & Push Images Stage:

    • Logs into Docker Hub, builds backend and frontend Docker images, and pushes them to Docker Hub.

    f. Infrastructure Stage:

    • Initializes Terraform and applies its configuration to deploy infrastructure, using Docker Hub credentials as variables.

    g. Finalize Stage:

    • Logs out of Docker Hub and performs a final cleanup of Docker resources.
  10. Add the Image tags for your front end and back end image to the compose.yml file and add a container name for both services.

  11. Add the container name to the package.json in your frontend directory.

    "proxy": "http://ecommerce-backend:8000",
  12. Create a Multi-Branch pipeline called "workload_6" and run the pipeline to deploy the application!

    Jenkins Pipeline pipeline_overview



  13. Create a monitoring EC2 in the default VPC that will monitor the resources of your ecommerce-app servers. Install Prometheus and grafana on this server.

  14. Update your Prometheus configuration (/opt/prometheus/prometheus.yml) to include the EC2 instances where Node Exporter is running.

  15. Restart Prometheus to apply the changes. You should now be able to see all of your targets in Prometheus.

    Prometheus prometheus

  16. Set up and configure your grafana dashboard. You should have two dashboards for each of the servers:

    Grafana grafana_1 grafana_2

System Design Diagram


This architecture represents the deployment of an e-commerce application using a combination of Docker, Jenkins, Terraform, and AWS services. It ensures secure, scalable, and fault-tolerant infrastructure by leveraging modern DevOps practices.

Components Overview

1. Developer Workflow

  • The Developer interacts with:
    • GitHub: Codebase repository hosting the frontend, backend, and Terraform files for infrastructure.
    • Jenkins: CI/CD pipeline for building, testing, and deploying the application.

2. Infrastructure Overview

The infrastructure is deployed in the AWS us-east-1 region and consists of:

  • Default VPC:
    • Contains the Jenkins Manager and Docker Terraform EC2 instances for orchestrating the deployment process.
  • Custom VPC (wkld6-vpc):
    • A secure environment with both public and private subnets for hosting application components and associated resources.

Detailed Components

Default VPC

  1. Jenkins Manager Instance (t3.micro):

    • Located in a public subnet.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Runs Jenkins for managing the CI/CD pipeline.
      • Builds, tests, and triggers deployment jobs.
    • Security Group:
      • Open ports: 22 (SSH), 8080 (Jenkins interface).
  2. Docker_Terraform Instance (t3.medium):

    • Located in the same public subnet.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Builds Docker images for the application components.
      • Pushes Docker images to Docker Hub.
      • Applies Terraform configurations to provision AWS infrastructure.
    • Security Group:
      • Open ports: 22 (SSH), 80, 8081.

Custom VPC (wkld6-vpc)

Public Subnets

  1. Bastion Hosts:
    • Bastion Host AZ1 (t3.micro):
      • Provides SSH access to private subnets in Availability Zone us-east-1a.
    • Bastion Host AZ2 (t3.micro):
      • Provides SSH access to private subnets in Availability Zone us-east-1b.
    • Security Group:
      • Open port: 22 (SSH) for secure access.

Private Subnets

  1. Application Servers:

    • App Server AZ1 (t3.micro):
      • Hosts frontend (React) and backend (Django) application containers.
      • Connected to the Node Exporter for monitoring system metrics.
    • App Server AZ2 (t3.micro):
      • Identical setup to AZ1 for redundancy and high availability.
    • Security Group:
      • Open ports: 22 (SSH), 3000 (React), 8000 (Django), 9100 (Node Exporter).
  2. Database Server:

    • RDS PostgreSQL Instance:
      • Managed relational database service in the private subnet.
      • Security Group:
        • Open port: 5432 (PostgreSQL) for database connections.

Monitoring Infrastructure

  1. Monitoring Server (t3.micro):

    • Located in the Default VPC.
    • Hosts:
      • Prometheus: Collects metrics from Node Exporter on the application servers.
      • Grafana: Provides dashboards for visualizing metrics.
    • Security Group:
      • Open ports: 22 (SSH), 3000, 9090.
  2. Node Exporter:

    • Runs on application servers in private subnets.
    • Collects system metrics (e.g., CPU, memory, disk usage) and sends them to Prometheus.

Traffic Flow

Developer to Deployment

  1. Developer pushes code to GitHub.
  2. Jenkins Manager pulls the latest code from GitHub and triggers the CI/CD pipeline.
  3. Docker images for the frontend and backend are built and pushed to Docker Hub by the Docker_Terraform instance.

Infrastructure Deployment

  1. Jenkins triggers Terraform scripts on the Docker_Terraform instance.
  2. Terraform provisions the custom VPC, subnets, bastion hosts, application servers, RDS database, and ALB.

Application Workflow

  1. Traffic from the internet is routed to the Application Load Balancer (ALB).
  2. The ALB forwards traffic to the appropriate application server in the private subnet based on routing rules:
    • Frontend traffic to port 3000.
    • Backend traffic to port 8000.
  3. The backend communicates with the RDS PostgreSQL database for data persistence.

Monitoring Workflow

  1. Node Exporter on the application servers collects metrics and sends them to Prometheus on the monitoring server.
  2. Metrics are visualized in Grafana dashboards, providing insights into system performance.

High Availability and Security Features

  1. High Availability:

    • Application servers and bastion hosts are deployed in multiple availability zones.
    • Load balancer ensures traffic distribution between application servers.
  2. Security:

    • Private subnets isolate application and database resources from the public internet.
    • Bastion hosts provide restricted SSH access to private instances.
    • Security groups enforce strict access control for all resources.


This architecture efficiently combines CI/CD automation, containerization, and infrastructure as code to deploy a secure, scalable, and fault-tolerant e-commerce application. Monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana ensure robust system observability, while high availability and security practices enhance reliability and protect critical resources.


Running and Chaining Commands in Docker Compose and Dockerfile

When attempting to run and chain commands in the docker-compose.yml file and also start the Django server in the Dockerfile, the following error was encountered: runserver: error: unrecognized arguments: sh -c python migrate && python dumpdata --database=sqlite --natural-foreign --natural-primary -e contenttypes -e auth.Permission --indent 4 > datadump.json && python loaddata datadump.json && rm -f db.sqlite3 && python runserver

This error occurred because chaining multiple commands directly as arguments to is not supported and leads to unrecognized argument errors.

Resolution: Using an Entrypoint Script

To resolve this issue, an script was created to separate and organize the commands into a structured, sequential workflow. This script ensures that:

  1. Database migrations are applied.
  2. Data is dumped, loaded, and cleaned as needed.
  3. The Django development server is started after the prerequisite tasks are completed.

The script includes logic to handle migrations conditionally based on an environment variable (RUN_MIGRATIONS). This allows flexibility in determining when migrations should run. Here's the script:

set -e

if [ "$RUN_MIGRATIONS" = "true" ]; then
    echo "Running database migrations..."
    python migrate
    python dumpdata --database=sqlite --natural-foreign --natural-primary -e contenttypes -e auth.Permission --indent 4 > datadump.json
    python loaddata datadump.json
    rm -f db.sqlite3
    echo "Skipping migrations..."

python runserver

Why Use the RUN_MIGRATIONS Environment Variable?

In the previous workload, an issue was identified where running migrations more than once caused issues. To address this, the RUN_MIGRATIONS environment variable was introduced. This variable allows migrations to be run only on the first EC2 instance hosting the e-commerce app. Subsequent instances skip the migrations, ensuring no duplication or errors in database setup.

The environment variable is set in the docker-compose.yml file for the backend service:

    image: cgordondev/ecommerce_backend:latest
    container_name: ecommerce-backend
      - DB_HOST=${rds_endpoint}
      - RUN_MIGRATIONS=${run_migrations}
      - "8000:8000"

This approach ensures that migrations are applied exactly once during the initial deployment, aligning with the goal of maintaining a consistent database state.

Final Dockerfile

The Dockerfile was updated to integrate the script:

FROM python:3.9


COPY ./backend /app

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

RUN python makemigrations account
RUN python makemigrations payments
RUN python makemigrations product

# Copy the entrypoint script and make it executable
COPY ./backend/ /app/
RUN chmod +x /app/



Frontend WebSocket and Environment Variable Errors

During the deployment of the frontend service, the following issues were encountered:

  1. Host Binding Error:
    The frontend service attempted to bind to the HOST environment variable ( but encountered warnings and potential conflicts with the React environment configuration.

    Attempting to bind to HOST environment variable:
    If this was unintentional, check that you haven't mistakenly set it in your shell.
  2. WebSocket Frame Error:
    React's development server emitted WebSocket-related errors, such as:

    RangeError: Invalid WebSocket frame: RSV1 must be clear
  3. Build Error:
    The frontend service failed to start, resulting in an npm ERR! with a lifecycle exit code of 1.


To resolve these issues, specific environment variables were added to the docker-compose.yml file for the frontend service:

  • CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true: Enables polling to ensure file watchers work correctly in Docker environments where native file change detection is limited.
  • WDS_SOCKET_PORT=3000: Specifies the WebSocket port to match the exposed container port, preventing WebSocket frame errors.
  • WDS_SOCKET_HOST= Ensures WebSocket connections bind to the container's network interface.
  • HOST= Allows the React development server to bind to all network interfaces, ensuring the service is accessible both within and outside the container.

These changes ensure the React development server functions properly inside the container, resolving WebSocket communication and file-watching issues.

Updated docker-compose.yml for Frontend Service

    image: cgordondev/ecommerce_frontend:latest
    container_name: ecommerce-frontend
      - CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true  # Ensures file watchers work in Docker
      - WDS_SOCKET_PORT=3000     # Use the exposed port for WebSocket connections
      - WDS_SOCKET_HOST=  # Ensure WebSocket binds to the container's address
      - HOST=  
      - "3000:3000"
      - backend

With these adjustments, the frontend service was successfully deployed, resolving all errors.


Enhanced Security for RDS

Currently, the database is deployed within the same private subnet as the backend service. Moving the RDS instance to its own dedicated private subnet would:

  • Further isolate database resources, improving security.
  • Simplify access control with subnet-level security policies.
  • Allow better scalability and flexibility in managing database resources.

Additionally, enabling Multi-AZ Deployment for the RDS instance would ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and automatic failover in case of instance failure.

Incorporate Frontend Testing

While backend testing is already part of the pipeline, there are no unit tests for the frontend React app. Adding a testing stage for the frontend in our Jenkins pipeline would:

  • Catch bugs early in React components.
  • Ensure new changes do not break existing functionality.
  • Improve overall code quality.

Tools like Jest or React Testing Library can be used for unit and integration tests.

Modular Repositories

Currently, the frontend, backend, and infrastructure code are part of a single repository. Separating them into independent repositories would:

  • Allow each team to work on their respective modules without conflicts.
  • Enable independent CI/CD pipelines for frontend, backend, and infrastructure.
  • Improve security with fine-grained access controls for each repository.

A master pipeline can orchestrate deployment by triggering child pipelines for each repository.

Enhance Frontend and Backend Scalability

Currently, the frontend and backend containers run on the same EC2 instance, limiting scalability and fault tolerance. By integrating Kubernetes and AWS Autoscaling Groups, we can achieve dynamic scaling, high availability, and efficient resource utilization.

Kubernetes Benefits:

  • Dynamic Scaling: Automatically adjusts the number of pods based on traffic or resource usage.
  • High Availability: Distributes pods across multiple nodes for resilience.
  • Rolling Updates: Enables zero-downtime deployments and easy rollbacks.

Integration with Autoscaling Groups:

  1. Node Autoscaling: AWS Autoscaling Groups dynamically add or remove EC2 nodes based on Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler requirements.
  2. Pod Autoscaling: Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) scales frontend and backend pods independently based on resource metrics.

AI Model: Anomaly Detection with Autoencoder

Key Features of the Script

This script implements an anomaly detection model using an autoencoder to identify potential fraudulent transactions by analyzing reconstruction errors.

Model Structure

  • Input Layer: Accepts preprocessed dataset features as input.
  • Encoder: Compresses input through layers with dimensions [16, 8, 4] using ReLU activation. Dropout layers (rate = 0.2) and L2 regularization (l2=0.001) are used to improve generalization and prevent overfitting.
  • Decoder: Mirrors the encoder structure to reconstruct the original input, with the final layer using sigmoid activation.
  • Loss Function: Measures reconstruction loss using Mean Squared Error (MSE).
  • Optimizer: Adam optimizer is chosen for efficient and adaptive learning.


Data Preprocessing

  1. Data Retrieval: Connected to an SQLite database (db.sqlite3) to retrieve transaction data from the account_stripemodel table.
  2. Data Cleaning:
    • Removed null and infinite values.
    • Dropped irrelevant columns such as IDs, email addresses, and other personally identifiable information.
  3. Encoding: Transformed categorical data (e.g., address_state) into machine-readable formats using label encoding.
  4. Scaling: Standardized numerical features using StandardScaler for uniformity.
  5. Data Split: Divided the cleaned and scaled dataset into training (80%) and testing (20%) subsets.

Anomaly Detection

  1. Training: The autoencoder was trained on the training dataset to learn patterns from normal transactions.
  2. Reconstruction Error: On the test dataset, reconstruction errors were calculated to measure the model's reconstruction capability.
  3. Anomaly Threshold: Transactions with reconstruction errors exceeding the 95th percentile were flagged as anomalies.

Fraud Detection

  1. Evaluation: Applied the trained model to a new dataset of transactions.
  2. Anomalies:
    • Calculated reconstruction errors for the new dataset.
    • Identified anomalies using the established threshold.
  3. Insights: Output the top 5 anomalies with the highest reconstruction errors and detailed transaction information.



Model Architecture

  • Trainable Parameters: 570.
  • Input Shape: (6,) (corresponding to the number of dataset features).
  • Encoder Compression: [16, 8, 4].
  • Decoder Reconstruction: Reconstructs input back to the original shape.

Performance on Training/Test Data

training results

  • Threshold: 2.0501 (95th percentile of errors).
  • Reconstruction Error Metrics:
    • Mean: 0.9018
    • Median: 0.8045
    • Minimum: 0.0258
    • Maximum: 3.4886
    • Standard Deviation: 0.5461
  • Anomalies: Detected 30 anomalies (4.99% of test data). Top 5 anomalies were identified with details.

Fraud Detection on account_stripemodel_fraud_detection dataset

training results

  • Threshold: 2.0501
  • Results:
    • Detected 718 anomalies (68.25% of the new dataset).
    • Highlighted the top 5 anomalies with reconstruction errors and transaction details.

Interpretation of Results

  • Effectiveness: The model effectively learned to reconstruct normal transactions, enabling distinction between normal and anomalous transactions.
  • Threshold Accuracy: The threshold (2.0501) successfully separated anomalies from normal data.
  • Anomaly Insights: The high proportion of anomalies in the new dataset (68.25%) suggests significant fraudulent activity warranting further investigation.

Application Integration

Suggested Features for Admins

  1. Admin Dashboard:
    • Display total anomalies detected.
    • Show reconstruction error statistics (mean, max, etc.).
    • Provide detailed transaction information for flagged anomalies.
  2. Interactive Visualization:
    • Graph reconstruction error distribution with the threshold clearly marked for easy interpretation.
  3. Alerts:
    • Real-time notifications for anomalies with high reconstruction errors.
  4. Report Generation:
    • Allow detailed anomaly reports (e.g., CSV format) for further auditing.
  5. Retraining Option:
    • Enable admins to upload new datasets to retrain the model, ensuring adaptability to evolving data patterns.


This workload successfully demonstrates the deployment of a secure, scalable, and fault-tolerant e-commerce application using modern DevOps practices. By combining Docker for containerization, Terraform for infrastructure as code, and Jenkins for CI/CD automation, we achieved a streamlined and repeatable deployment process.

Key achievements include:

  • Secure application deployment in private subnets with access controlled via a load balancer.
  • Comprehensive monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana for system insights.
  • Effective use of environment variables and scripts to resolve deployment issues.

Future enhancements, such as adopting Kubernetes for scalability, separating repositories for streamlined collaboration, and adding frontend testing, can further improve this workflow. This project demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating containerization, automation, and cloud infrastructure to deploy and manage modern web applications efficiently.


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  • JavaScript 65.4%
  • Python 25.7%
  • HCL 6.1%
  • Shell 1.6%
  • Other 1.2%