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Addition of streaming lexical uncertainty
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cgpotts committed Jan 1, 2015
1 parent 7fd2a7f commit 0edad81
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 24 deletions.
179 changes: 155 additions & 24 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,14 @@
# - The lexical uncertainty model of Bergen et al. 2012
# - The anxiety/uncertianty model of Smith et al. 2013
# - The anxious experts model of Levy and Potts 2015
# - A streaming lexical uncertainty implementation for large problems.
# Use
# python
# to see an example involving the division of pragmatic labor, using
# all of the above models.
# to see an example involving the Levinson/Horn division of pragmatic
# labor, using all of the above models.
# References:
Expand All @@ -36,10 +37,16 @@
# 89th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR,
# January 8-11.
# Potts, Christopher; Daniel Lassiter; Roger Levy; Michael C. Frank.
# 2015. Embedded implicatures as pragmatic inferences under
# compositional lexical uncertainty. Ms., Stanford and UCSD.
# ---Christopher Potts

import sys
from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from utils import rownorm, colnorm, safelog, display_matrix
from lexica import DISJUNCTION_SIGN, NULL_MSG
Expand All @@ -48,31 +55,68 @@

class Pragmod:
def __init__(self,
nullcost=5.0): = name # optional informal name for the model
self.lexica = lexica # list of np.arrays of dimension m x n
self.baselexicon = baselexicon # the starting point for the space of lexica
self.messages = messages # list or tuple of strings of length m
self.meanings = meanings # list or tuple of strings of length n
self.states = states # list or tuple of strings of length n
self.costs = costs # np.array of length m
self.prior = prior # np.array of length n
self.lexprior = lexprior # np.array of length len(self.lexica)
self.lexcount = lexcount # number of lexica if known ahead of time
self.temperature = temperature # usually \lambda, but lambda is a Python builtin; should be > 0.0
self.alpha = alpha # speaker value for the world state
self.beta = beta # speaker value for the lexicon
self.nullmsg = nullmsg # whether to assume the final message is null
self.nullcost = nullcost # cost for the nullmsg if there is one
##### More complex default values:
# If no state prior is given, define a flat prior over states:
if self.prior == None:
self.prior = np.repeat(1.0/len(self.states), len(self.states))
# If no lexicon prior is given, but we do know the number of lexica,
# define a flat prior over lexica. If no count is given, we lead this
# undefined and the lexicon prior is implicitly flat.
if self.lexprior == None and self.lexcount != None:
self.lexprior = np.repeat(1.0/self.lexcount, self.lexcount)
if self.costs == None:
self.costs = np.zeros(len(self.messages))
if self.nullmsg:
self.costs[-1] = self.nullcost
# Convenient access to the most sophisticated agents, filled in by
# each iteration model if possible (not always possible for the speaker):
self.final_listener = np.zeros((len(self.messages), len(self.states)))
self.final_speaker = None

##### Iteration models

def run_base_model(self, lex, n=2, display=True, digits=4):
"""Basic model with a specified messages x meanings matrix of truth values lex"""
"""Basic model with a specified messages x states matrix of truth values lex"""
return, display=display, digits=digits, initial_listener=self.l0(lex), start_level=0)

def rsa(self, lex=None):
if not lex:
lex = self.baselexicon
lit = self.l0(lex)
spk = self.S(lit)
lis = self.L(spk)
self.final_speaker = spk
self.final_listener = lis
return [lit, spk, lis]

def run_uncertainty_model(self, n=2, display=True, digits=4):
"""The lexical uncertainty model of Bergen et al. 2012, 2014"""
Expand All @@ -91,8 +135,13 @@ def run(self, lex=None, n=2, display=True, initial_listener=None, start_level=0,
for i in range(1, (n-1)*2, 2):
if len(langs) >= 2:
self.final_speaker, self.final_listener = langs[-2: ]
self.final_speaker = None
self.final_listener = langs[-1]
if display:
self.display_iteration(langs, start_level=start_level, digits=digits)
self.display_iteration(langs, start_level=start_level, digits=digits)
return langs

def run_expertise_model(self, n=2, display=True, digits=4):
Expand All @@ -102,8 +151,35 @@ def run_expertise_model(self, n=2, display=True, digits=4):
if display:
self.display_expertise_iteration(langs, digits=digits)
return langs
self.display_expertise_iteration(langs, digits=digits)
if len(langs) >= 2:
self.final_speaker, self.final_listener = langs[-2: ]
self.final_speaker = None
self.final_listener = langs[-1]
return langs

def stream_lexical_uncertainty(self, n=0, display_progress=True):
"""Separate interface to the lexical uncertainty model that doesn't hold all the
lexica in memory -- essential for very large problem spaces."""
# If there is no lexicon prior, then this allows us to ignore it.
lexprior_func = (lambda x : 1.0)
# Where we have a lexicon prior, we can look up the value in self.lexprior:
if self.lexprior != None:
lexprior_func = (lambda lexindex : self.lexprior[lexindex])
# Iterate through the lexica:
for lexindex, lex in enumerate(self.lexica()):
if display_progress and lexindex and lexindex % 10**2 == 0:
sys.stderr.write('\r'); sys.stderr.write('lexicon %s' % lexindex) ; sys.stderr.flush()
self.final_listener += lexprior_func(lexindex) * self.s1(lex).T
# Update or fill in the lexcount based on the iteration:
self.lexcount = lexindex + 1
# Final normalization and state prior incorporation:
self.final_listener = rownorm( self.prior * self.final_listener)
# Optional further iteration of L and S with no lexical uncertainty:
for i in range(n-1):
self.final_speaker = self.S(self.final_listener)
self.final_listener = self.L(self.final_speaker)

##### Agents
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,19 +227,19 @@ def ExpertiseSpeaker(self, listeners):
"""Expertise speaker: 3d array containing P(msg | meaning, lexicon)"""
lis = np.sum(listeners, axis=1)
lexprobs = np.sum(listeners, axis=2).T
result = np.zeros((len(self.lexica), len(self.meanings), len(self.messages)))
result = np.zeros((len(self.lexica), len(self.states), len(self.messages)))
for l in range(len(self.lexica)):
for m in range(len(self.meanings)):
for m in range(len(self.states)):
for u in range(len(self.messages)):
result[l,m,u] = np.exp(self.temperature * ((self.alpha*safelog(lis[u,m])) + (self.beta*safelog(lexprobs[l,u])) - self.costs[u]))
return (result.T / np.sum(result.T, axis=0)).T

def ExpertiseListener(self, speakers):
"""Expertise listener: for each message, a joint <lexicon, meaning> table"""
result = np.zeros((len(self.messages), len(self.lexica), len(self.meanings)))
result = np.zeros((len(self.messages), len(self.lexica), len(self.states)))
for u in range(len(self.messages)):
for l in range(len(self.lexica)):
for m in range(len(self.meanings)):
for m in range(len(self.states)):
result[u,l,m] = speakers[l,m,u] * self.prior[m] * self.lexprior[l]
totals = np.sum(result, axis=(1, 2))
return (result.T / totals.T).T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,16 +279,16 @@ def display_iteration(self, langs, start_level=0, digits=4):

def display_speaker_matrix(self, mat, title='', digits=4):
"""Pretty-printed (to stdout) speaker matrix to standard output"""
display_matrix(mat, title='S%s' % title, rnames=self.meanings, cnames=self.messages, digits=digits)
display_matrix(mat, title='S%s' % title, rnames=self.states, cnames=self.messages, digits=digits)

def display_listener_matrix(self, mat, title='', digits=4):
"""Pretty-printed (to stdout) listener matrix to standard output"""
display_matrix(mat, title='L%s' % title, rnames=self.messages, cnames=self.meanings, digits=digits)
display_matrix(mat, title='L%s' % title, rnames=self.messages, cnames=self.states, digits=digits)

def display_joint_listener(self, mat, title='', digits=4):
"""Pretty-printed (to stdout) lexicon x world joint probability table for a given message"""
lexnames = ['Lex%s: %s' % (i, self.lex2str(lex)) for i, lex in enumerate(self.lexica)]
display_matrix(mat, rnames=lexnames, cnames=self.meanings, title=title, digits=digits)
display_matrix(mat, rnames=lexnames, cnames=self.states, title=title, digits=digits)

def display_joint_listener_matrices(self, mats, level=1, digits=4):
"""Pretty-printed (to stdout) lexicon x world joint probability table for all messages"""
Expand All @@ -229,11 +305,50 @@ def state_sorter(x):
entries = []
for i, msg in enumerate(self.messages):
if msg != NULL_MSG and DISJUNCTION_SIGN not in msg:
sem = [w for j, w in enumerate(self.meanings) if lex[i,j] > 0.0 if DISJUNCTION_SIGN not in w]
sem = [w for j, w in enumerate(self.states) if lex[i,j] > 0.0 if DISJUNCTION_SIGN not in w]
entry = msg + "={" + ",".join(state_sorter(sem)) + "}"
return "; ".join(entries)

return "; ".join(entries)

def listener_report(self, digits=4):
print "=" * 70 # Divider bar.
print 'Lexica:', self.lexcount
print 'Final listener'
display_matrix(self.final_listener, rnames=self.messages, cnames=self.states, digits=digits)
print '\nBest inferences:'
best_inferences = self.get_best_inferences(digits=digits)
for msg, val in sorted(best_inferences.items()):
print "\t", msg, val
print "\nLaTeX table:\n"
print self.final_listener2latex()

def get_best_inferences(self, digits=4):
best_inferences = {}
# Round to avoid tiny distinctions that don't even display:
mat = np.round(copy(self.final_listener), 10)
for i, msg in enumerate(self.messages):
best_inferences[msg] = [(w, str(np.round(mat[i,j], digits))) for j, w in enumerate(self.states) if mat[i,j] == np.max(mat[i])]
return best_inferences

def final_listener2latex(self, digits=2):
mat = np.round(copy(self.final_listener), digits)
rows = []
rows.append([''] + self.states)
for i in range(len(self.messages)):
rowmax = np.max(mat[i])
def highlighter(x): return r"\graycell{%s}" % x if x == rowmax else str(x)
vals = [highlighter(x) for x in mat[i]]
rows.append([self.messages[i]] + vals)
s = ""
s += "\\begin{tabular}[c]{r *{%s}{r} }\n" % len(self.states)
s += "\\toprule\n"
s += "%s\\\\\n" % " & ".join(rows[0])
s += "\\midrule\n"
for row in rows[1: ]:
s += "%s\\\\\n" % " & ".join(row)
s += "\\bottomrule\n"
s += "\\end{tabular}"
return s

if __name__ == '__main__':

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +385,7 @@ def state_sorter(x):
messages=['normal-message', 'abnormal-message', 'null'], # Messsages and
costs=np.array([1.0, 2.0, 5.0]), # their costs.
meanings=['normal-world', 'abnormal-world'], # World-types and
states=['normal-world', 'abnormal-world'], # World-types and
prior=np.array([2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0]), # their prior.
lexprior=np.repeat(1.0/len(lexica), len(lexica)), # Flat lex prior.
Expand All @@ -287,13 +402,29 @@ def state_sorter(x):

# Basic lexical uncertainty model:
lulangs = mod.run_uncertainty_model(n=n, display=False)
mod.display_listener_matrix(lulangs[-1], title=" - Lexical uncertainty model")
mod.display_listener_matrix(lulangs[-1], title=" - Lexical uncertainty model")

# The Smith et al. uncertainty/anxiety listener:
ualangs = mod.run_anxiety_model(n=n, display=False)
mod.display_listener_matrix(ualangs[-1], title=" - The anxiety/uncertainty model")

# Lexical uncertainty with anxious experts:
expertlangs = mod.run_expertise_model(n=n, display=True)
expertlangs = mod.run_expertise_model(n=n, display=False)
mod.display_listener_matrix(mod.listener_lexical_marginalization(expertlangs[-1]), title=" - The anxious experts model")

# Streaming lexical uncertainty model:
def lexicon_iterator():
for x in lexica:
yield x
mod = Pragmod(
messages=['normal-message', 'abnormal-message', 'null'], # Messsages and
costs=np.array([1.0, 2.0, 5.0]), # their costs.
states=['normal-world', 'abnormal-world'], # World-types and
prior=np.array([2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0]), # their prior.
mod.display_listener_matrix(mod.final_listener, title=" - Streaming lexical uncertainty model")

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