This is Mike Hohmeyer's C implementation of R. Seidel's algorithm for solving LPs (linear programs.)
Relevant paper: Seidel, R. (1991), "Small-dimensional linear programming and convex hulls made easy", Discrete & Computational Geometry 6 (1): 423–434, doi:10.1007/BF02574699
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if you make "do_lp" and "randp" you can run the following test.
./randp 3 100 | ./do_lp
randp generates 100 random planes tangent to the hyperboloid in 3 dimensions centered at the origin with z as an axis of symmetry. Randp puts that on standard output. do_lp reads that and feeds it to the routine linprog, which solves the problem. If you look into do_lp.c you can observe how to call linprog.
Documentation is still rather sketchy so any questions can be directed to [email protected]
If you want to attempt to make this double precision, pay special attention to the value EPS defined in tol.h which should be the smallest number so that 1.0 + EPS > 1.0