stor is a simple application for creating and managing lists of arbitrary information. Lists can be related to each other and can have application-like actions composed upon them.
stor is a rails 3.x / ruby 1.9.x app. Data is currently stored in mongo. It expected to always be most suitable to use an Object DB due to the dynamic nature of the data.
Development so far on stor has taken place on ubuntu, the instructions given below are related to that environment.
I recommend RVM which is now quite painless and for which there are some good youtube videos.
sudo apt-get install mongodb
If all is successful you should be able to run 'mongo' at the command line which will open an interactive prompt. Typing 'show dbs' should return a single entry, "local (empty)". Type exit to leave the prompt.
How you go about getting the source is up to you, if you want to contribute back and have a github account clone it into your personal respository and send me a pull request. If you just want to run up the app use:
git clone git://
A directory will be created called stor at the location of the prompt.
cd stor
bundle install
Start the rails server using:
rails s
Then open a browser at http://localhost:3000/lists