PupilPay is a closed-loop payment, lunch order, and allergy checking system specifically for schools.
Closed-loop makes the places where it can be used limited, in our case, it's restricted to the cafateria. PupilPay is mainly a data handling service, as payments are handled by Patikapénztár (Commonly refered to as just "Patika") for in-school transactions, or another payment processor (Stripe, or Billingo) where the money goes directly to the merchant's account (Cafeteria or in-school shop). PupilPay can easily be compared to gift card systems, let's take Starbucks for example. You open a card (open a PupilPay account), top up your balance in-store (cafeteria), and use then you can use your balance in Starbucks stores (In the cafeteria you topped up your balance).
- Docker
- PHP@8 and up
- NPM@6 and up
- Composer@2 and up
- Laravel 9 - PHP framework.
- spatie/laravel-permission - A package for managing permissions and roles.
- maatwebsite/excel - A PHP package for reading and writing spreadsheets in Excel format.
- stripe/stripe-php - Stripe PHP library, which makes it easy to integrate with Stripe's API.
- spiral/roadrunner - A high-performance PHP application server.
- simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode - A PHP package for generating QR codes.
- predis/predis - A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP.
- laravel/horizon - A beautiful dashboard and code-driven configuration for Laravel Redis queues.
- laravel/octane - A high-performance PHP application server for Laravel.
- hisorange/browser-detect - A PHP library that detects the browser and operating system of the client.
- sentry/sentry-laravel - The official Sentry SDK for Laravel, which provides real-time error tracking and performance monitoring.
- Vue.js 3 - JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
- Tailwind CSS 3 - CSS framework.
- Vite 3 - Front-end build tool.
- ApexCharts - Modern charting library.
- Date-fns - Date utility library.
- Vue-I18n - Internationalization library for Vue.js.
- Vue-Multiselect - Vue.js component for multi-select fields.
- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe store for Vue.js.
- vueuse - Collection of essential Vue 3 composition functions.
- qrcode.vue - Vue.js component for generating QR codes.
- vee-validate - Template-based validation framework for Vue.js.
- axios - Promise-based HTTP client.
- eslint - JavaScript linter.
- floating-ui/dom - A minimal and customizable UI library.
- headlessui/vue - Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
- heroicons/vue - Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.
- sentry/tracing - Application performance monitoring.
1. First of all you need to clone Pupilpay repository from github:
git clone https://github.com/PupilPay/Portal.git
2. Next step requires you to run composer install in order to install all the dependencies.
composer install
3. after you have installed all the PHP dependencies, it's time to install all the JS dependencies:
npm install
4. Now we need to set our env file. Go to the root of your project and execute this command.
cp .env.example .env
And now you should provide .env file all the necessary environment variables , If you want to run it with Sail, the corresponding values are specified as comments in .env.example
5. Now execute in the root of you project following:
php artisan key:generate
Which generates auth key.
Run server
php artisan serv
Run horizon for queue work
php artisan horizon
when working on JS you may run:
npm run dev
You should add your email to access Horizon dashboard in gate inside HorizonServiceProvider.php file
protected function gate(): void
Gate::define('viewHorizon', function ($user) {
return in_array($user->email, [
First, you need to install Laravel Sail as a development dependency in your Laravel application. To do this, run the following command in your terminal:
composer require laravel/sail --dev
Next, open the .env file and change the DB_HOST to mysql and REDIS_HOST to redis.
Run the following command to start Laravel Sail:
./vendor/bin/sail up
To stop Laravel Sail, run the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail down
To run an Artisan command using Laravel Sail, run the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail artisan {command}
To run a Composer command using Laravel Sail, run the following command:
./vendor/bin/sail composer {command}
- DrawSQL - DrawSQL
- Documentation - Documentation
- Figma - Work in progress