nd0821-c3-starter-code Public
Forked from udacity/nd0821-c3-starter-codeJupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 13, 2022 -
nd0821-c2-build-model-workflow-starter Public
Forked from udacity/nd0821-c2-build-model-workflow-starterStarter Code for the Course 2 project of the Udacity ML DevOps Nanodegree Program
Python Other UpdatedMar 10, 2022 -
udacity_nanodegree Public
This is the repository for all the code under nanodegrees that I plan to complete
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 22, 2022 -
notebooks Public
Forked from huggingface/notebooksNotebooks using the Hugging Face libraries 🤗
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 29, 2021 -
MLOps-Basics Public
Forked from graviraja/MLOps-BasicsJupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2021 -
mslearn-dp100 Public
Forked from ammarasmro/mslearn-dp100Lab files for Azure Machine Learning exercises
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2021 -
scikit-learn-tips Public
Forked from justmarkham/scikit-learn-tips🤖⚡ Daily scikit-learn tips
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 31, 2020 -
Deploying Boston House Prediction as an API on AWS
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 20, 2020 -
DeepLearning.ai-Summary Public
Forked from mbadry1/DeepLearning.ai-SummaryThis repository contains my personal notes and summaries on DeepLearning.ai specialization courses. I've enjoyed every little bit of the course hope you enjoy my notes too.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 31, 2019 -
distributed-logging-efk Public
Forked from abhishek-buragadda/distributed-logging-efkThis gives the files to create a distributed logging framework using ElasticSearch, Fluentd and Kibana.
Python UpdatedJun 21, 2019 -
yolo-v3 Public
Forked from heartkilla/yolo-v3Yolo v3 object detection implemented in Tensorflow.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 14, 2019 -
deeplearning-models Public
Forked from rasbt/deeplearning-modelsA collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2019 -
Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet Public
Forked from georgearun/Data-Science--Cheat-SheetCheat Sheets
UpdatedMay 18, 2019 -
practical-machine-learning-with-python Public
Forked from dipanjanS/practical-machine-learning-with-pythonMaster the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Repo-2017 Public
Forked from RubensZimbres/Repo-2017Python codes in Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning with Keras and Theano
text-analytics-with-python Public
Forked from dipanjanS/text-analytics-with-pythonLearn how to process, classify, cluster, summarize, understand syntax, semantics and sentiment of text data with the power of Python! This repository contains code and datasets used in my book, "Te…
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 10, 2019 -
Deep-Learning-Coursera Public
Forked from enggen/Deep-Learning-CourseraDeep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng, deeplearning.ai.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 28, 2018 -
ImageClassification Using TransferLearning with PyTorch
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 22, 2018 -
Predictive Maintainence of Machinery
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 17, 2018 -
EmployeeOverTimePrediction Public
A manufacturing unit is consistently facing project over-time to finish. This is usually a sign for poor project planning or resource allocation. Now the company has decided smartly allocate the re…
R UpdatedOct 10, 2018