Using Swift more conveniently, smoothly
is encapsulation of UIImageUIImagePickerController ans UIImagePickerControllerDelegate.
You can get image from camera simply like this,
ZBSImagePickerManager.shared.launchImagePickerIn(controller: viewController, sourceType: .camera) { (image) in
//TODO:do something with image;
You must add NSCameraUsageDescription in info.plist if you want to get image from camera;
subclass of UIAlertController, make less code to present A simple alert view;
You can present A alert view in your controller like this,
ZBSAlertController.simple2optionsAlertViewWith(name: "title", message: "message", yesButtonName: "Done", yesButtonAction: { (action) in
//TODO:do something for Done action
}, noButtonName: "Cancel", noButtonAction: { (action) in
//TODO:do something for Cancel action
}).presentedIn(self, animated: true) {
//TODO:do something when alert view has presented
pod 'ZBSTools', '~> 0.0.2'
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