A simple yet flexible react datatable library built to support laravel's pagination out of the box.
Heads Up: This library is still fragile and infant so do yourself a favor an handle it with care 🤓🤗. Do not forget to log your issues so I can follow up on them 👨🏿🏫.
npm i react-laravel-datatable
- First import package.
import Datatable from 'react-laravel-datatable';
- Define expected column details. Details must be an array of objects with key(id,label);
const columns =[
id: "user_id", //This is the key from your data source. (Required)
label : "ID", //Label for column title. (Required)
id: "user_name",
label : "Name",
id: "user_email",
label : "Email",
- Define your data source. Please note that your data source endpoint should be an http GET method which returns laravel pagination object as a response.
const dataSource = "htts://test.com/users" ;
A typical laravel pagination object will return the following.;
"name":"Andrew Chamamme",
"created_at":"2019-05-29 10:42:24"
Though the package is tailored to laravel's pagination, you can still use with other frameworks or vanilla code provided your data source endpoint returns a response just as it is above 🌚.
- Finally intialize the Datatable component.
<Datatable url={dataSource} columns={columns} />
The package gives you the flexibility to define your own callback functions on each cell as well as define you own action components or buttons.
The package accepts a headers
prop. This can be used in situations where there is a need to modify request headers. Eg. setting Authorization token,Content type, etc.
const myToken = "ATOKENSTRINGHERE";
const myHeaders = {
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${myToken}`,
"Content-Type" : 'application/json',
<Datatable ... headers={myHeaders} />
The component already sends a couple of parameters in the query string when making request to the api endpoint. You can leverage on them to filter and sort results from the server side. A typical query string from this component will be ?term=&page=1&column=&order=asc&per_page=5
Param | Description | Example |
term | The search term entered in the search field | hello world |
page | Current page number | 1 |
column | Column for sorting | user_name |
order | Sorting order | asc / desc |
per_page | Number of records per page | 5 |
Action buttons or UI components can be added by indicating an ` actions ` prop in the `Datatable`. This prop takes a function and your functnion can contain any valid react code but in this case its preferred to use it for button actions 👨🏿🏫 . At the point of when this function is being called, the current row object in injected into it.
const actions = (rowItem)=>{
//Below is just an example. You can decide to do whatever you want here.🤓
return ( <a href={`/user/${rowItem.id}`}> Views </a>)
<Datatable ... actions={actions} />
Maybe you want to add an onClick event to records in a specific column (cell). You can easily do that by indicating an onClick property in the columns defination.
const columns =[
id: "user_id",
label : "ID",
onClick: (rowItem) => {
//This is just an example. You can decide to do whatever you want here.🤓
console.log(`User ${rowItem.id} has been clicked `);
All contributions and pull requests are welcome. Incase of any issue or suggestions please dont hesitate to log it on github.
- Add styling ✅
- Search field ✅
- Bulk action
- Editable cell