With yarn
$ yarn global add seopage
With npm
$ npm i -g seopage
// config.json
"fbAppId": "00000000",
"fbAdmins": "admin.one,admin.two",
"gaid": "UA-000000000-1",
"siteName": "Your Website",
"lang": "en-GB",
"type": "website",
"url": "https://yourwebsite.kom",
"thumbnail": "/public/thumb.jpg",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"keywords": ""
Note: fields can be overriden by CLI flags
Initialise a basic directory structure under current working directory
$ seopage init
Add meta tags for social media (default)
$ seopage --file=[path to HTML file]
Use a configuration file
$ seopage -c [path to configuration file] --file=[path to HTML file]
Output directory (default to ./out)
$ seopage -o [path of output directory] --file=[path to HTML file]
Google Analytics Tracking ID
$ seopage -g [your tracking ID] --file=[path to HTML file]
Document language code
$ seopage -l en-GB -f [path to HTML file]
// <html lang="en-GB">
$ seopage -t [URL link to thumbnail photo] -f [path to HTML file]