This project is the main hub to all kinds of documentation related to Jackson JSON Processor.
Documentation within this project is categorized under:
- Presentations by Jackson Team, friends
- Where the #%($#^ are Javadocs?
- List of Jackson 2.x Annotations
Jackson project hub has links to all active Jackson projects.
And those projects have some 'local' documentation, such as:
- Databind
- List of on/off DeserializationFeatures.
- List of on/off SerializationFeatures.
Following sites are good sources for documentation:
- Old FasterXML Jackson Wiki -- will be replaced by this project!
- Jackson Users forum
- CowTalk Blog
And here are good one-off articles from around the web:
- Old Jackson home is still occasionally linked to from various places -- please DO NOT link from new documentation.
- Jackson Git Hub is the... The Hub for all stuff, including this project.