A Python project with GUI and Console programs that (re)use classes to manage a list of Movies to Watch.
About 9.5 hours in total, the MovieCollection class took the longest time. Note: You may like to use the WakaTime plugin, which tracks exactly how long you spend in code. See http://wakatime.com (but note that the free version only has a 7-day history)
The kivy app. It worked well in the development process and I got a sense of achievement when finishing it.
The MovieCollection class. It took me a long time, and I feel frustration when error occur again and again.
The kivy app
I'll break down the project in small tasks before start doing it.
Lecture slides. I look back the lecture slides when I faced problem.
The main challenge are the MovieCollection class. I'm not that familiar writing the class, so it took me a long time to finish it. When faced problem, I look back the lecture slides 12(More on Classes). Besides the MovieCollection class, I faced a problem when run the program again. When I run the program twice, I didn't get the output expected the second time (the watch/unwatch status was not same as the csv file). To solve the problem, I run the program multiple times with different input to find out which part went wrong.
It took me quite a time to write the class. However, using the class make the code easier to write. Compare to assignment1, a1_classes.py got less lines (but with more comments). Besides, the code is more easier to read, and it's also easier to fix when error occurred.