Dreamcast-PopnMusic Public
A laser cut Dreamcast Pop'n Music controller and integrated memory card using the Raspberry Pi Pico's Programmable IO
LCDZapper Public
Device for making light gun games playable on LCD TVs
C64Tape Public
Device for loading .tap files from SD card on a C64
PebbleIFTTT Public
If This Then That (IFTTT) Client For Pebble Time Round
C MIT License UpdatedMay 4, 2016 -
TeensyJVS Public
Jamma Video Standard (JVS) IO board implemented using a Teensy 3.1
NeoGeoHDMI Public
Verilog project that takes the digital video and audio from a Neo Geo MVS before going through the DACs and outputs the signals over HDMI
Z3 Public
A Verilog implementation of the Infocom Z-Machine V3. With BIOS and benchmarks. Verified in hardware.
C in four functions
Inform6 Public
Forked from DavidKinder/Inform6The version of Inform 6 used as the code generator for Inform 7
C Other UpdatedNov 9, 2014