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move view creation to distinct query, remove create view statement
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alistairewj committed Nov 1, 2021
1 parent 3a3662f commit d3b315a
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 156 deletions.
156 changes: 0 additions & 156 deletions mimic-iii/concepts/pivot/pivoted_bg.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,159 +144,3 @@ left join iid_assign iid
and grp.charttime >= iid.data_start
and grp.charttime < iid.data_end
order by grp.hadm_id, grp.charttime;

CREATE VIEW `physionet-data.mimiciii_derived.pivoted_bg_art` AS
with stg_spo2 as
select hadm_id, charttime
-- avg here is just used to group SpO2 by charttime
, avg(valuenum) as spo2
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
-- o2 sat
where ITEMID in
646 -- SpO2
, 220277 -- O2 saturation pulseoxymetry
and valuenum > 0 and valuenum <= 100
group by hadm_id, charttime
, stg_fio2 as
select hadm_id, charttime
-- pre-process the FiO2s to ensure they are between 21-100%
, max(
when itemid = 223835
then case
when valuenum > 0 and valuenum <= 1
then valuenum * 100
-- improperly input data - looks like O2 flow in litres
when valuenum > 1 and valuenum < 21
then null
when valuenum >= 21 and valuenum <= 100
then valuenum
else null end -- unphysiological
when itemid in (3420, 3422)
-- all these values are well formatted
then valuenum
when itemid = 190 and valuenum > 0.20 and valuenum < 1
-- well formatted but not in %
then valuenum * 100
else null end
) as fio2_chartevents
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
where ITEMID in
3420 -- FiO2
, 190 -- FiO2 set
, 223835 -- Inspired O2 Fraction (FiO2)
, 3422 -- FiO2 [measured]
and valuenum > 0 and valuenum < 100
-- exclude rows marked as error
AND (error IS NULL OR error != 1)
group by hadm_id, charttime
, stg2 as
select bg.*
, row_number() OVER (partition by bg.hadm_id, bg.charttime order by s1.charttime DESC) as lastrowspo2
, s1.spo2
from `physionet-data.mimiciii_derived.pivoted_bg` bg
left join stg_spo2 s1
-- same hospitalization
on bg.hadm_id = s1.hadm_id
-- spo2 occurred at most 2 hours before this blood gas
and s1.charttime between DATETIME_SUB(bg.charttime, INTERVAL 2 HOUR) and bg.charttime
where bg.po2 is not null
, stg3 as
select bg.*
, row_number() OVER (partition by bg.hadm_id, bg.charttime order by s2.charttime DESC) as lastrowfio2
, s2.fio2_chartevents

-- create our specimen prediction
, 1/(1+exp(-(-0.02544
+ 0.04598 * po2
+ coalesce(-0.15356 * spo2 , -0.15356 * 97.49420 + 0.13429)
+ coalesce( 0.00621 * fio2_chartevents , 0.00621 * 51.49550 + -0.24958)
+ coalesce( 0.10559 * hemoglobin , 0.10559 * 10.32307 + 0.05954)
+ coalesce( 0.13251 * so2 , 0.13251 * 93.66539 + -0.23172)
+ coalesce(-0.01511 * pco2 , -0.01511 * 42.08866 + -0.01630)
+ coalesce( 0.01480 * fio2 , 0.01480 * 63.97836 + -0.31142)
+ coalesce(-0.00200 * aado2 , -0.00200 * 442.21186 + -0.01328)
+ coalesce(-0.03220 * bicarbonate , -0.03220 * 22.96894 + -0.06535)
+ coalesce( 0.05384 * totalco2 , 0.05384 * 24.72632 + -0.01405)
+ coalesce( 0.08202 * lactate , 0.08202 * 3.06436 + 0.06038)
+ coalesce( 0.10956 * ph , 0.10956 * 7.36233 + -0.00617)
+ coalesce( 0.00848 * o2flow , 0.00848 * 7.59362 + -0.35803)
))) as specimen_prob
from stg2 bg
left join stg_fio2 s2
-- same patient
on bg.hadm_id = s2.hadm_id
-- fio2 occurred at most 4 hours before this blood gas
and s2.charttime between DATETIME_SUB(bg.charttime, INTERVAL 4 HOUR) and bg.charttime
and s2.fio2_chartevents > 0
where bg.lastRowSpO2 = 1 -- only the row with the most recent SpO2 (if no SpO2 found lastRowSpO2 = 1)
, stg3.icustay_id
, stg3.charttime
, specimen -- raw data indicating sample type, only present 80% of the time
-- prediction of specimen for missing data
, case
when SPECIMEN is not null then SPECIMEN
when SPECIMEN_PROB > 0.75 then 'ART'
else null end as specimen_pred
, specimen_prob

-- oxygen related parameters
, so2, spo2 -- note spo2 is FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
, po2, pco2
, fio2_chartevents, fio2
, aado2
-- also calculate AADO2
, case
when PO2 is not null
and pco2 is not null
and coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents) is not null
-- multiple by 100 because FiO2 is in a % but should be a fraction
then (coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents)/100) * (760 - 47) - (pco2/0.8) - po2
else null
end as aado2_calc
, case
when PO2 is not null and coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents) is not null
-- multiply by 100 because FiO2 is in a % but should be a fraction
then 100*PO2/(coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents))
else null
end as pao2fio2ratio
-- acid-base parameters
, ph, baseexcess
, bicarbonate, totalco2

-- blood count parameters
, hematocrit
, hemoglobin
, carboxyhemoglobin
, methemoglobin

-- chemistry
, chloride, calcium
, temperature
, potassium, sodium
, lactate
, glucose

-- ventilation stuff that's sometimes input
, intubated, tidalvolume, ventilationrate, ventilator
, peep, o2flow
, requiredo2
from stg3
where lastRowFiO2 = 1 -- only the most recent FiO2
-- restrict it to *only* arterial samples
and (specimen = 'ART' or specimen_prob > 0.75)
order by hadm_id, charttime;
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions mimic-iii/concepts/pivot/pivoted_bg_art.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
-- This query requires the pivoted_bg table to be generated.
-- It extracts only arterial blood gas samples - either explicitly stated or
-- inferred by a hard-coded logistic regression model.
with stg_spo2 as
select hadm_id, charttime
-- avg here is just used to group SpO2 by charttime
, avg(valuenum) as spo2
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
-- o2 sat
where ITEMID in
646 -- SpO2
, 220277 -- O2 saturation pulseoxymetry
and valuenum > 0 and valuenum <= 100
group by hadm_id, charttime
, stg_fio2 as
select hadm_id, charttime
-- pre-process the FiO2s to ensure they are between 21-100%
, max(
when itemid = 223835
then case
when valuenum > 0 and valuenum <= 1
then valuenum * 100
-- improperly input data - looks like O2 flow in litres
when valuenum > 1 and valuenum < 21
then null
when valuenum >= 21 and valuenum <= 100
then valuenum
else null end -- unphysiological
when itemid in (3420, 3422)
-- all these values are well formatted
then valuenum
when itemid = 190 and valuenum > 0.20 and valuenum < 1
-- well formatted but not in %
then valuenum * 100
else null end
) as fio2_chartevents
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
where ITEMID in
3420 -- FiO2
, 190 -- FiO2 set
, 223835 -- Inspired O2 Fraction (FiO2)
, 3422 -- FiO2 [measured]
and valuenum > 0 and valuenum < 100
-- exclude rows marked as error
AND (error IS NULL OR error != 1)
group by hadm_id, charttime
, stg2 as
select bg.*
, row_number() OVER (partition by bg.hadm_id, bg.charttime order by s1.charttime DESC) as lastrowspo2
, s1.spo2
from `physionet-data.mimiciii_derived.pivoted_bg` bg
left join stg_spo2 s1
-- same hospitalization
on bg.hadm_id = s1.hadm_id
-- spo2 occurred at most 2 hours before this blood gas
and s1.charttime between DATETIME_SUB(bg.charttime, INTERVAL 2 HOUR) and bg.charttime
where bg.po2 is not null
, stg3 as
select bg.*
, row_number() OVER (partition by bg.hadm_id, bg.charttime order by s2.charttime DESC) as lastrowfio2
, s2.fio2_chartevents

-- create our specimen prediction
, 1/(1+exp(-(-0.02544
+ 0.04598 * po2
+ coalesce(-0.15356 * spo2 , -0.15356 * 97.49420 + 0.13429)
+ coalesce( 0.00621 * fio2_chartevents , 0.00621 * 51.49550 + -0.24958)
+ coalesce( 0.10559 * hemoglobin , 0.10559 * 10.32307 + 0.05954)
+ coalesce( 0.13251 * so2 , 0.13251 * 93.66539 + -0.23172)
+ coalesce(-0.01511 * pco2 , -0.01511 * 42.08866 + -0.01630)
+ coalesce( 0.01480 * fio2 , 0.01480 * 63.97836 + -0.31142)
+ coalesce(-0.00200 * aado2 , -0.00200 * 442.21186 + -0.01328)
+ coalesce(-0.03220 * bicarbonate , -0.03220 * 22.96894 + -0.06535)
+ coalesce( 0.05384 * totalco2 , 0.05384 * 24.72632 + -0.01405)
+ coalesce( 0.08202 * lactate , 0.08202 * 3.06436 + 0.06038)
+ coalesce( 0.10956 * ph , 0.10956 * 7.36233 + -0.00617)
+ coalesce( 0.00848 * o2flow , 0.00848 * 7.59362 + -0.35803)
))) as specimen_prob
from stg2 bg
left join stg_fio2 s2
-- same patient
on bg.hadm_id = s2.hadm_id
-- fio2 occurred at most 4 hours before this blood gas
and s2.charttime between DATETIME_SUB(bg.charttime, INTERVAL 4 HOUR) and bg.charttime
and s2.fio2_chartevents > 0
where bg.lastRowSpO2 = 1 -- only the row with the most recent SpO2 (if no SpO2 found lastRowSpO2 = 1)
, stg3.icustay_id
, stg3.charttime
, specimen -- raw data indicating sample type, only present 80% of the time
-- prediction of specimen for missing data
, case
when SPECIMEN is not null then SPECIMEN
when SPECIMEN_PROB > 0.75 then 'ART'
else null end as specimen_pred
, specimen_prob

-- oxygen related parameters
, so2, spo2 -- note spo2 is FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.chartevents`
, po2, pco2
, fio2_chartevents, fio2
, aado2
-- also calculate AADO2
, case
when PO2 is not null
and pco2 is not null
and coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents) is not null
-- multiple by 100 because FiO2 is in a % but should be a fraction
then (coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents)/100) * (760 - 47) - (pco2/0.8) - po2
else null
end as aado2_calc
, case
when PO2 is not null and coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents) is not null
-- multiply by 100 because FiO2 is in a % but should be a fraction
then 100*PO2/(coalesce(FIO2, fio2_chartevents))
else null
end as pao2fio2ratio
-- acid-base parameters
, ph, baseexcess
, bicarbonate, totalco2

-- blood count parameters
, hematocrit
, hemoglobin
, carboxyhemoglobin
, methemoglobin

-- chemistry
, chloride, calcium
, temperature
, potassium, sodium
, lactate
, glucose

-- ventilation stuff that's sometimes input
, intubated, tidalvolume, ventilationrate, ventilator
, peep, o2flow
, requiredo2
from stg3
where lastRowFiO2 = 1 -- only the most recent FiO2
-- restrict it to *only* arterial samples
and (specimen = 'ART' or specimen_prob > 0.75)
order by hadm_id, charttime;

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